In March 2005 Platform 11 published a scathing review of the problems with the then proposed metro. Platform 11 has always supported the concept of a Metro network for Dublin however we had very serious and verifiable concerns that what was proposed was poor in design, integration and not in the best interest of Dublin and Ireland. Platform 11 also sought that projects be prioritised based on there impact and cost.
Our report contained 9 recommendations, the majority of which have been addressed in the now approved Metro North plans which proves and vindicates the position Platform 11 took in an effort to ensure that future passengers get the best service and experience.
1. Legal measures to allow 24 hour tunneling should be in place before work begins,
Still an open issue however the critical infrastructure bill would cover this, recent news concerning underground land acquisition would suggest that attention is being paid to the cost and time to tunnel.
2. The Metro should start at St. Stephen's Green and terminate at Swords not Dublin Airport
Originally and despite a positive cost benefit Swords was not to be served in order to keep the costs down, Following this Fingal CC applied a section 49 levy to part fund the metro, it is thought that up to 300 million euro will be raised as a result. Some thought was given to placing the terminus in O'Connell Street this thankfully has been abandoned. Common sense has prevailed fully inline with the Platform 11 recommendation.
3. A Metro station should be provided at Glasnevin Junction (Phibsborough)
Following detailed discussions with the RPA the engineering view indicated that Drumcondra would be a more feasible location. This offers integration with the Maynooth railway line thus solving the integration problem that existed which had prompted Platform 11 to suggest Glasnevin as a possible integration location. Issue closed to the satisfaction of all concerned.
4. The Metro should be built to the same specification as the DART system
This issue primarily arose out of flexibility and integration. It has since transpired that Luas and Metro will under certain conditions be able to share the same track thus offering similar benefits.
5. Metro stations should be built to accommodate 6 car trains not 3 car as proposed
Trains up to 90m are now provided for roughly double the length of the original proposal, thus this issue is closed with a result fully in line with the Platform 11 viewpoint.
6. The RPA should acknowledge that Metro is not a standalone project and should be designed to maximise integration with other public transport projects
Integration with DART at Maynooth and with Luas Red line on O'Connell Street are now key elements of the project and the need to serve Tara Street is avoided as the Irish Rail interconnector project would make it redundant. Issue closed again with a result fully in line with the Platform 11 viewpoint.
7. The Metro must comply with all current and proposed Irish and EU legislation as well as following best international practice
Assurances have been received from the RPA that the metro will be based on international best practice and will be in line with all requirements. Closed.
8. Stations should be built to the highest specification to ensure efficient and safe operation
Many of the issues such as sufficient ticket barriers no longer exist since the RPA intend to have a open station model like many European cities, Porto is a often used example. Issue closed.
9. A separate body independent of the RPA should manage the project
Following the mess of the Luas project legitimate concerns where raised by many of the ability of the RPA to handle the Metro project, this was backed by the O'Reilly report in to the Dublin Metro. The Dublin Transport Authority will have control thus the issue is closed and resolved inline with the Platform 11 viewpoint.