Breakthrough In Passenger Rights
Sept 4th 2019
Rail Users Ireland has battled for 9 years to ensure monthly and annual ticket holders receive the compensation they are due following delays and cancellations.
Irish Rail has finally published some 22 months after being instructed by the National Transport Authority to do so, the terms of compensation for monthly and annual ticket holders. The refund information is available here. Irish Rail themselves have made no notice to inform the public of these changes, despite being obliged to inform passengers of their rights under EC1371/2007.
European Regulation EC1371/2007, article 17 requires that compensation be paid in cash for all ticket types, it also requires compensation for recurrent delays and/or cancellation. However Irish Rail continues to hide from its obligations with respect of compensation for recurrent delays and/or cancellations.
It is only right that the cumulative impact of delays and cancellations is considered as this is what impacts the daily commuter. EU case law on EC1371/2007 confirms that force majeure cannot be used as an excuse, all delays, all cancellation regardless of cause count.
Irish Rail has repeatedly refused to release the criteria for such compensation and denied requests for compensation despite admitting that significant delays had occurred.
Rail Users Ireland continues to persue both the National Transport Authority and Irish Rail to ensure passengers rights to compenation is respected and communicated to passengers.