Maps are back - part two
March 11th 2007
Rail Users Ireland is happy to confirm that over the last week maps have finally started to appear on the Dublin Suburban fleet, a total of 14 months after we first raised the issue and 12 months since Iarnród Éireann admitted there was a issue which would be resolved "within the next couple of weeks". Rail Users Ireland obtained a copy of the new map in July 2006, not from Iarnród Éireann we must add, however it was not seen on a DART until 8/10/2006 and on a suburban train till 7/3/2007. It should be noted that a large number of the suburban coaches have never carried a map since they entered service in 2003 those few which did have maps as a result of Iarnród Éireann staff stealing them from the DART fleet.
When a senior Iarnród Éireann manager was asked about the status of the maps on the Kildare line in December 2006, the response was "Do they (the passengers) really need maps?" This is typical of the attitude problem in Iarnród Éireann the minor but important issues are ignored. Sure it doesn't make the trains run on time but basics such as up to date maps and working public address systems are very important to passengers a fact which Iarnród Éireann clearly can't grasp.
This hopefully marks the closure of a 14 month struggle to ensure that all DART and suburban trains in the Greater Dublin Region carry a number of up to date maps. That said the wider issue of maps on trains remains unresolved. Rail Users Ireland will be contacting those responsible for the Cork - Cobh service and calling for the introduction of a map on board trains servicing the route. It's a sad reflection on Iarnród Éireann that Rail Users Ireland has to point this out to them.