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Unread 18-09-2006, 16:51   #1
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Default Does BE get more out of tourist passes than IE?

On BE's website you can purchase a tourist pass for E203 covering IE/BE service (not NI, there's another one for that). IE doesn't mention it as far as I can see. Maybe P11 could add a link to the ticketing guide? Maybe BE gets a bigger cut?

BE only provide the tickets purchased online at Busaras and Cork/Galway bus stations. Not much use to someone arriving (as I will be in two weeks) at Shannon Airport, or Dublin or Cork or Rosslare Ferryport...

oh well, mustn't expect too much...
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Unread 20-09-2006, 07:56   #2
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A few multi-lingual ticket machines wouldn't kill them at the airports.
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Unread 20-09-2006, 09:21   #3
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sorry now I have huge respect for our native tongue and am firmly in the camp that either they change the curriculum away from the 19th century or better yet stop making it compulsory

Making sure multi lingual machines are all over the airports is fine but I think there is a thousand things that could be done before all the tourists have the joy of seeing Gaeilge on a ticket machine.

Its a miracle that we have the machines at all and they were years late in being put in compared to the rest of europe.

The irish language thing is getting a bit irritating, Irish rail have a couple of million other basic things to get right first.
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Unread 20-09-2006, 09:38   #4
Mark Gleeson
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The IE ticket machines speak several langauges last time I checked, the options are the 4 buttons on the bottom of the screen

It may come as a surprise but the first automated ticket machines where installed by CIE in 1980, one still exists in a certain station in Dublin. In deployment terms beyond a metro/tram system IE have a huge number of TVM's one of the largest orders that the suppliers have had from anywhere
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Unread 20-09-2006, 10:24   #5
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson

It may come as a surprise but the first automated ticket machines were installed by CIE in 1980
I duly apologies to IE for assuming that they were miles behind with the ticket machines. On the other hand if they had an automated machine since 1980, does taht mean integration could have been considered 26 years ago?
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Unread 20-09-2006, 11:27   #6
alek smart
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It is correct to say that "Integration" has been on CIE`s agenda for decades,well back into the 70`s.

However,and this cuts to the nub of the CIE group problems,every major spending decision has had to be fully vetted and approved by the Senior Civil Servants and their Minister of the Day.

Thus in any historical revision of CIE behaviour one comes again and again upon "Great Schemes" which were embarked upon with the best will in the world only to have those projects suddenly postponed,downgraded or cancelled at often hours notice,as happened with the Batchelors Walk/Temple under river Bar Transport Hub link.

Without doubt if the current Bus Atha Cliath/IE Electronic Ticketing Programme Teams had been allowed complete their brief in the mid 1990`s we would not be in the present shameful situation.

It`s not even the Polititians that I blame it`s a strongly entrenched Senior Grade Civil Service which allocates great importance to preserving and protecting its Traditional ways of handling Power.

In our instance it`s SeÃ* Aire with Liathroidì ar bar !!!!
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Unread 20-09-2006, 11:37   #7
Nigel Fitzgricer
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Originally Posted by alek smart
It`s not even the Polititians that I blame it`s a strongly entrenched Senior Grade Civil Service which allocates great importance to preserving and protecting its Traditional ways of handling Power.
That is so true. When all else fails - hire a counsulting firm to do your job for you. You'll still get your 100% performance bonus, benchmarking and so on.
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Unread 20-09-2006, 12:05   #8
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Originally Posted by IHIR
sorry now I have huge respect for our native tongue and am firmly in the camp that either they change the curriculum away from the 19th century or better yet stop making it compulsory

Making sure multi lingual machines are all over the airports is fine but I think there is a thousand things that could be done before all the tourists have the joy of seeing Gaeilge on a ticket machine.
I assume he was refering to machines that can speak French, German, Spanish etc.

But once you've gone multi-lingual you definitely should include Irish.

Anyone who's used a phone box in Central London will have spotted that they can be operated in Welsh.
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Unread 20-09-2006, 16:30   #9
Mark Gleeson
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I confirmed this afternoon that the IE TVM's speak the following languages


The bottom 4 buttons on the screen offer the langauge choice, am I missing something or the Luas machines are just english speaking.

I might pay a visit to the station with the remaining almex ticket vending machine to record it, never seen it myself
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Unread 20-09-2006, 16:50   #10
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Originally Posted by comcor
I assume he was refering to machines that can speak French, German, Spanish etc.
yes i see that now, just that MrX had gone on about Irish in another thread. Sorry MrX, the blind rage that I get when talking about irish rail held up the brain there for a while.
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Unread 20-09-2006, 17:19   #11
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
The bottom 4 buttons on the screen offer the langauge choice, am I missing something or the Luas machines are just english speaking.
The Luas machines can do Spanish, French and German but sound is only in English and Gaeilge.
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Unread 21-09-2006, 16:16   #12
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson

I might pay a visit to the station with the remaining almex ticket vending machine to record it, never seen it myself
Where is this famous machine? used all the dublin stations frequently and never noticed any machines other than the newish recent batch.

Btw do they have issues with water getting on the screen? ive been unable to use the machine at Kilbarrack in the past when its both wet and windy as the machine is just beside the entrance and the screen was covered in rainwater, and no matter where or how hard on the screen i pressed i couldnt buy a ticket.

Still with the ticket office closed a poor student cant complain too much about a free journey.......
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Unread 21-09-2006, 16:35   #13
Mark Gleeson
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The machine is in Sutton but you will be needing some ingenuity to find it, its on the wall alright but there be something infront of it

Never seen it but have solid report of its existance, will be out on Sunday to finally catch it while on other business
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Unread 24-09-2006, 16:26   #14
Mark Gleeson
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As promised here it is

Name:  old_tvm_sutton.jpg
Views: 1471
Size:  77.0 KB

If I understand it correctly

On the left side a plate was attached with the ticket destinations and on the right there was the coin slot and a note reader for £1 notes

Ticket came out the bottom
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