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Unread 20-12-2007, 10:10   #81
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where was the invite to the rest of us to go for a whizz ?
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Unread 20-12-2007, 10:30   #82
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
4. Not one single senior IE member of staff travelled on the train, no one from corporate communications, no chief exec, general manager, no head of CIE or minister
Your review was spot on. This is the only thing I'd have a problem with... it's only a new train launch, it's not even a new line so there's no need to politicise it or make a song and dance about it. There should have been a train host or similar position to serve the passengers but no-one else is needed.
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Unread 20-12-2007, 10:47   #83
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Am looking forward to taking a trip on it. Every sunday because I can't make the 16:40 Clonsilla Pearse, I get the 16:59 Clonsilla to Maynooth train as far as maynooth ( only takes 15 minutes) and then then take the 17:25 Maynooth to Connolly (intercity) am in Connolly normally just after 6!
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Unread 20-12-2007, 10:54   #84
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Originally Posted by markpb View Post
Your review was spot on. This is the only thing I'd have a problem with... it's only a new train launch, it's not even a new line so there's no need to politicise it or make a song and dance about it. There should have been a train host or similar position to serve the passengers but no-one else is needed.
IE had no one in Sligo to handle the media, which is a poor show

There was no train host, or other IE staff visible, at the very least some class of survey should have been conducted on board
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Unread 20-12-2007, 10:58   #85
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Well done on Radio 1 yesterday evening Mark. You are a great spokesperson for rail users.
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Unread 20-12-2007, 11:11   #86
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
Well done on Radio 1 yesterday evening Mark. You are a great spokesperson for rail users.
I'm not the spokesperson per say just was in the right place at the right time

What RTE missed was about 30 seconds later, the pa telling us of a delay due to a signaling fault, that would have priceless on air
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Unread 20-12-2007, 15:22   #87
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Not one single senior IE member of staff travelled on the train, no one from corporate communications, no chief exec, general manager, no head of CIE or minister
In case the RSC didn't hand over the cert and it had to be postponed perhaps?
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Unread 20-12-2007, 15:31   #88
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IE got the ok on Monday afternoon, they was no uncertainty

All the those staff where present on the platform at 11:05 yesterday morning
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Unread 20-12-2007, 19:13   #89
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6 car set parked on P1 this evening, which would suggest they're still running 6 cars on the test service.
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Unread 20-12-2007, 20:08   #90
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Yeah Mark but even Monday a.m. might have been too late to get at least the politicos to come. Don't know what the IEers excuse could be.
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Unread 21-12-2007, 00:30   #91
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I took my first journey on the new railcars yesterday (the 20th). I took a short round trip from Longford to Boyle, in Co. Roscommon.

Very impressive I must say - they really are Intercity railcars.
On a scale of 1/10, with the 29ks being 0, a broken down boxcar being 1 and the German ICE being 10, I'd give these coaches a 9.

Noise and ride quality were both generally comparable to an Mk2d set. Major pluses there. Decor, much as I remember it, also very nice. No trouble getting my favourite seats either as there was a 2 car loading spread out over a 6 car set both ways

To say that these railcars beat the nuts off a 29k under every imaginable metric would be the understatement of the decade.

TBH I didn't even notice all the colours that had been changed, with the exception of the doors, and the door control buttons which have been reset to match those of the rest of the fleet/rest of Europe.

My only complaints would be these:
1: They make a powerful racket when accelerating.
2: The suspension is a bit of a mixed bag.
This may well belong in the members section, but here goes.

When I went to the show in Sligo back whenever it was, I saw that the suspension was a combination of old school springs and some posh hydraulics or air suspension setup on top of that.

Experience has shown me that when it comes to suspensions on trains destined for Sligo and perhaps anywhere in Ireland, that the simpler and more old school the suspension, the better. The 2800s and Mk2ds (both good) vs the 29ks (crap) prove that you can get a better ride by not complicating things.

The conclusions I took from that were that these trains ride would be generally solid as the whole bodyshell rested on springs, but that the hydraulic thingy on top of it would have to be watched carefully.

My journey today more or less confirmed that, as the ride was generally good but there were times when the coaches swayed for no good reason except perhaps the curves. Now, it's nowhere near as bad as a 29k, thank f***, but it still could have been done without. Methinks they can make the ride better by tightening the suspension and further limiting the role of those hydraulic thingies.

But I'm not bashing the 22ks for this because even the Mk2ds I love so much would have had some issues with curves as well - try walking through a carraige at full speed anywhere in Co. Meath for example.

Last edited by sean : 21-12-2007 at 00:33. Reason: spelling
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Unread 21-12-2007, 00:51   #92
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Originally Posted by sean View Post

My only complaints would be these:
1: They make a powerful racket when accelerating.
2: The suspension is a bit of a mixed bag.

The 2800s and Mk2ds (both good) vs the 29ks (crap)

I like the 29000 trains they are much better than those 2800 crap yolks I'II have the whole of Dublin Commuters eating me for saying that but I do.
I'm not surprised about the powerful racket when accelerating but when you say Powerful that doesnt sound good. I am delighted that the 22000 trains have that InterCity feeling.
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Unread 21-12-2007, 01:09   #93
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Originally Posted by KeithStephen View Post
I like the 29000 trains they are much better than those 2800 crap yolks I'II have the whole of Dublin Commuters eating me for saying that but I do.
I'm not surprised about the powerful racket when accelerating but when you say Powerful that doesnt sound good. I am delighted that the 22000 trains have that InterCity feeling.
Well, I wouldn't wish the full-on 29k experience on my worst enemy, but hey, to each his own. Ride quality is the only thing the 2800s have on the 29000s really.

"Powerful" fierce, noteworthy what ever you want to call it, the engines do make considerably more noise when the train accelerates. However, from the inside, it's not a really big issue - no worse than sitting at the end coach of an Mk2d beside either the generator or 071 loco, and WAY better than listening to the continuous unmitigated engine noise of any class of Commuter cars.
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Unread 21-12-2007, 09:06   #94
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I'm sure it makes a fierce racket on the outside, but Mark and I were sitting right over an engine, and you wouldn't notice the engine noise unless you were listening for it. I agree the suspension did a couple of funny things, but on the whole it's about as good as you could hope for on Irish track.

By the way, I'm nearly sure the only track in Meath accessible by a passenger train is the section south of Drogheda and north of Balbriggan, and that's almost perfectly straight.
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Unread 21-12-2007, 13:18   #95
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Originally Posted by James Shields View Post
By the way, I'm nearly sure the only track in Meath accessible by a passenger train is the section south of Drogheda and north of Balbriggan, and that's almost perfectly straight.
Who's going to tell the people of Enfield. They'll be mighty upset.
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Unread 21-12-2007, 13:28   #96
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Originally Posted by James Shields View Post
I agree the suspension did a couple of funny things, but on the whole it's about as good as you could hope for on Irish track..
The ride was better than what you get on the Cork line on a Mk4 a lot better. There was none of the the classic 29k low speed rolling or the scary Mk4 70-80mph sway. The only point at which things got interesting was at 70mph near Enfield we took a corner quite badly and the suspension couldn't take it and we started to bounce on the bump stops, even the trusty Mk3 does that so it is forgivable, opposite direction wasn't half as bad.
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Unread 21-12-2007, 18:46   #97
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
Got interesting was at 70mph near Enfield we took a corner quite badly and the suspension couldn't take it and we started to bounce on the bump stops, even the trusty Mk3 does that so it is forgivable, opposite direction wasn't half as bad.
Just to say would it not make sense to tilt the track near Enfield, Would'nt it be earlier for the train to glide around the corner.

After Kilcoole 5mins going south there is also a very sharp corner I am waiting for the train to give in and just derail before IE do anything about it...........
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Unread 22-12-2007, 01:58   #98
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I was on the 22k train this evening from maynooth to connolly and have to say I agree with the good reviews here. Got a good seat, the train is very well laid out the announcements are top notch and the train has such as "professional" look compared to the 2800s and 29ks. maybe korea should be looked at for not just intercity railcars but commuters as well!

The afternoon Gorey to Maynooth train i boarded at Clonsilla it was running a few minutes late but got me to maynooth on time to catch that train!
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Unread 29-12-2007, 13:09   #99
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Can anyone tell me what way will the new 22000 train be operating on Monday, Will it be the 11:05 Dublin/Sligo. Thanks Alot.
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Unread 30-12-2007, 12:12   #100
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Originally Posted by ThomasJ View Post
I was on the 22k train this evening from maynooth to connolly and have to say I agree with the good reviews here. Got a good seat, the train is very well laid out the announcements are top notch and the train has such as "professional" look compared to the 2800s and 29ks. maybe korea should be looked at for not just intercity railcars but commuters as well!
The train may look professional, but IE need to undergo the same revolution in management and staff. The only visible presence of "professional" staff was from Rail Gourmet, who aren't in a position to answer any questions other than food. One of the problems with subcontracting out catering is that the most visible staff on the train aren't in a position to answer passengers questions.

There were a couple of trips down the train by a ticket checker, but where was he the rest of the time? On UK trains (at least on Intercity routes) staff tend to be much more visible, and when you need to ask a question, there's someone there to answer it.

Has anyone seen is the reservation system working yet? Will there be someone to help you find your booked seat (and turf out whoever's sitting in it)? And if there's someone there in Dublin or Sligo, will there be someone in a one horse station half way down the line?

In my opinion, the train manager should be visible while the train is in a staion and for at least 10-15 mins afterwards. It's problematic when a pair of 3-car sets are joined, but the train manager should be visible in one half, and swap halves at every station.
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