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Unread 01-03-2007, 10:14   #21
Mark Gleeson
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Firstly there is a problem, a known problem

Since Luas and IE TVM's share the same clearing house for CC transactions (Trinitech) and also use identical TVM's the problem is quite widespread

The worst offenders seem to be
Laser cards are a no no with the IE ticket collection system
AIB mastercards seem to be the ones that cause severe pain
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Unread 01-03-2007, 18:16   #22
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Originally Posted by clonsilladart View Post
My BOI Visa Chip n' Pin Card works find, and I've seen loads of others using various Mastercards and Visa card working OK.
Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
Firstly there is a problem, a known problem

Since Luas and IE TVM's share the same clearing house for CC transactions (Trinitech) and also use identical TVM's the problem is quite widespread

The worst offenders seem to be
Laser cards are a no no with the IE ticket collection system
AIB mastercards seem to be the ones that cause severe pain
This is what I was waiting for. Info that some other chip and pin cards work but not mine. MBNA have some sort of arrangement with AIB, or at least they used to.

Originally Posted by clonsilladart View Post
Not sure about AmEX....lots of restaurants, etc. WW don't even take them (their charges are much higher than visa/mastercard).
The American Express Logo is on the machines so you would assume that the card should work.

Originally Posted by clonsilladart View Post
You're best path forward is:
1. See if other luas m/c's won't accept your card (Eliminates individual M/C error - assume you've already tried this)
2. See if other card swipe m/c's (IE, Car parks, etc) accept you card (this may show up a faulty magnetic strip on your card.)
Assumed right. Two different MBNA chip and pin credit cards have failed to work for me in about 5 different luas machines on the green and red line. It must be a problem with MBNA.

Originally Posted by clonsilladart View Post
Also..... a little bit less of the "F'ing"..... everybody here is trying to help you. Alos if you're dealing with any customer service.... Politeness normally works best!!!!
The French was introduced in response to the fact that this thread was going in circles. I don't tend to use it when dealing with customer service people. It has had it's desired effect in moving this thread on. Apologies for anyone offended, but the stars were added by me. Could have been covering eck or udge...

Last edited by Oisin88 : 01-03-2007 at 18:23.
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Unread 01-03-2007, 21:50   #23
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My AIB Mastercard works fine.
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Unread 03-03-2007, 18:22   #24
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I got a reply from Luas:
From: "Luas Customercare" <LuasCustomercare@veolia-transport.ie>
To: Oisín

Good Morning Oisin

I have checked with our ticketing department on this issue. There is no reason why your cards won’t work as all our machines accept credit cards and laser cards.

If you would like us to investigate this further please forward the card numbers to us.

If there is anything else that I can help you with please do not hesitate contacting me.

Yours Sincerely
LUAS Customer Care Teamleader

Customer Care Telephone: 1800 300 604
Veolia Transport Ireland Ltd.Luas Depot, Red Cow Roundabout, Clondalkin Dublin 22, Ireland
Phone +353 1 4614952 Fax +353 1 461 4992
Registered in Ireland No. 354252
I also spoke to MBNA. They are offering to send me a Mastercard instead to give it a go. Has anyone else had success with an MBNA visa card?
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Unread 04-03-2007, 11:30   #25
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It's actually a very shortsighted move not to include proper chip and pin support. There is a very serious legal change on March 17th, 2007. There is a shift of liability for fraudulent transactions.

The deal is if a card transaction could have been protected by Chip & PIN but wasn't that the liability for fraud is with whoever hasn't upgraded and not with the bank.

i.e. if CIE or RPA machines accept a skimmed card for payment and that card ought to have been processed with its chip and pin, they will be held fully liable by the bank for the cost of those transactions.

Tips from IPSO
1) You should expect the card company to decline a transaction on a Chip and PIN card when a PIN is not used.
2) If a transaction is declined by the card company and you decide to override the decision and accept the transaction, you may be liable for any fraud loss or chargebacks that result. If you are unsure where the liability lies contact your acquiring bank.

The only exceptions to this are :
1) Chip and Signature card - issued to some disabled people who would have problems with pins. These are chip-based but will cause the terminal to print a signature slip instead of asking for a PIN.
2) Old style magstripe cards

My laser card's wreaking havoc with Tesco automatic checkouts too. Any transaction over about €20 now requires a manual signature. Again, it seems nuts that they've no pin pads yet.

The TVM used by IE has a Pin pad option.

Given the size of some of the transactions that may go thorough those TVMs, particularly Irish Rail, they really ought to be PIN protected.
e.g. I've purchased 4 Cork-Dublin returns.. over 200 quid.

Unverified swiping is really only acceptable for very small transactions.

Last edited by MrX : 04-03-2007 at 11:42.
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Unread 24-09-2007, 21:48   #26
Thomas Ralph
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I don't think the Luas or IÉ TVMs have the capacity to support Chip and PIN. The transactions behave more or less as Cardholder Not Present (and the merchant will be liable for any fraudulent card use).

I'm reminded of someone who used stolen cards and such machines (but principally Tesco auto checkouts) to great effect, until he got a great two years in jail...

On a side point my Halifax Visa Debit card takes anything between two and eight swipes to buy a train ticket. Most of the time it just doesn't read. And it's a nearly new card (issued in July) so there isn't really any likelihood that the stripe's worn already.

Last edited by Thomas Ralph : 24-09-2007 at 21:49. Reason: adding on more
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Unread 25-09-2007, 13:00   #27
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My NIB Laser card works fine in the IE machines in Heuston; very fast indeed.
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Unread 26-09-2007, 03:49   #28
Colm Moore
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Originally Posted by tralph View Post
On a side point my Halifax Visa Debit card takes anything between two and eight swipes to buy a train ticket. Most of the time it just doesn't read. And it's a nearly new card (issued in July) so there isn't really any likelihood that the stripe's worn already.
How clean is the card / machine?
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Unread 26-09-2007, 06:34   #29
James Shields
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Originally Posted by tralph View Post
I don't think the Luas or IÉ TVMs have the capacity to support Chip and PIN. The transactions behave more or less as Cardholder Not Present (and the merchant will be liable for any fraudulent card use).
In the UK now almost all railway and tube TVMs have a chip-and-pin facility. Usually there is a small keypad and LED display to the side of the main screen, so I suspect it was an add-on to the original machine. The main screen displays "now enter your pin" and seems to freeze while you deal with the keypad, but it seems to cope reasonably well even if it's a little bit clunky. Chip-and-pin has been known about for years, so it would be hard to believe that the makers of the IE and Luas machines aren't prepared for it.
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Unread 28-09-2007, 21:32   #30
Thomas Ralph
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Originally Posted by Victor View Post
How clean is the card / machine?
Card is fine, don't know about the machine.
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Unread 28-09-2007, 21:33   #31
Thomas Ralph
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Originally Posted by James Shields View Post
In the UK now almost all railway and tube TVMs have a chip-and-pin facility. Usually there is a small keypad and LED display to the side of the main screen, so I suspect it was an add-on to the original machine. The main screen displays "now enter your pin" and seems to freeze while you deal with the keypad, but it seems to cope reasonably well even if it's a little bit clunky. Chip-and-pin has been known about for years, so it would be hard to believe that the makers of the IE and Luas machines aren't prepared for it.
Yeah, they have the same in the Netherlands (although don't get me started about Dutch trains, they are more frequent but far more irksome than ours). They also have a surcharge for paying using banknotes.
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Unread 03-11-2007, 17:28   #32
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I've been using the ticket machines daily for the last month at Charlemont.

I have to reiterate..

These machines [ and it's nothing to do with Charlemont, all the Luas machines are the same ]

are brutal.

1: 10-15 seconds for a ticket.
2: touch screen requires repeated tapping to register
3: inserting coins quickly just does not work , one will nearly always be rejected.
4: no "most popular ticket"/1-button ticket options always tap,tap,tap. I swear I feel like the raven in one of Poe's books sometimes.

look at the queues at the Green and Sandyford at peak hours. Why RPA don't get better and more machines at either of these locations beggars belief.... those kind of queues can be dangerous.
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Unread 04-11-2007, 21:24   #33
Thomas Ralph
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Maybe they want to encourage people to use smartcards.
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