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Unread 25-01-2006, 10:12   #1
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Default Luas driver shows humour

I was on the Luas yesterday from Abbey Street to Heuston (as I am every day). When we reached Jervis, rather than the normal announcement of "there's another tram behind this one, please dont cram on" the humourous driver instead announced "Could everyone breathe in and we can squeeze another 30 people on!", followed by a little laugh.

While it did give us weary travellers a moment of laughter, later I thought, just how bad is this system that the employees of the company are actually making fun of the poor service and lack of regard for customers.

Last edited by wests : 25-01-2006 at 10:18.
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Unread 25-01-2006, 10:29   #2
Mark Gleeson
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We feel your pain, in fact a lot of us have given up and use the 90/91/92 bus where possible, the DART is similar the classic line said by many "there is always room for one more" but at least IE got there house in order and got a 40% capacity increase project in place, they admitted there was a problem, but it took 15 years of continous growth before it happened, it took Luas about 2 weeks to hit trouble

The whole 30m v 40m tram situation has degraded into a complete farce, where everyone knows the Tallaght line trams should be 40m long, but on the other hand the agency in charge when challenged still thinks its nonsense. Can't blame Connex they got lumped with a system designed for a Dublin of the mid 1990's not the post Celtic Tiger Dublin, that said the Heuston Connolly shuttle isn't working and thats really a issue for Connex


I explained to Mr. Hannon that our agenda was to ensure that the RPA are accountable to passengers and quoted the example of the 30m trams on the red line. Regulars will remember that Mr. Hannon referred to this issue as "nonsense" in 2004. Fast forward to 2005 and Tom Manning of the RPA stated that the introduction of 40m trams on the red line, is on the way. Today, when I reminded Mr. Hannon about this, his response was, "it was nonsense then and if it came out today, I'd still say it was nonsense."
It kind of sounds like a scene from a Few Good Men, they can't admit they where wrong.

We have been saying this for years

While the RPA admitted in late 2005 that they where to order the 10m sections no tender or notification has appeared online

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 25-01-2006 at 10:41.
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Unread 25-01-2006, 21:34   #3
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Wouldn't Connex need more trams to do the Connolly-Heuston shuttle.

Just how bad is the overcrowding problem?
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Unread 25-01-2006, 21:35   #4
Derek Wheeler
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I've upped the anti so to speak.

This matter regarding 40m trams has dragged on far too long and Im tired of the RPA attempting (and failing) to make fools of anyone who dare question them.

I have written to Ger Hannon, enclosing our original press release and asked him to explain to me as a P11 member and Luas customer why we were talking "nonsense". If he fails to reply or justify his opinion, I'll write to the Minister, then the Taoiseach and if I have to, I'll raise it with our colleagues in Europe and perhaps then we can get results. Either way, I want an answer that makes "sense".

The original excuse of running 30m trams at a higher frequency doesn't add up and never did.
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Unread 25-01-2006, 21:51   #5
Mark Gleeson
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Originally Posted by sean
Wouldn't Connex need more trams to do the Connolly-Heuston shuttle.?
There are 26 Tallaght line trams compared to 14 on the Sandyford line, no shortage of trams, the pinch point is Heuston Abbey Street, so you need is to swap things around a little in timetabling but remember the shuttle was in the plans it was meant to be in place

BTW I'm no longer a Red Line Luas customer, I either walk (yes the whole way from TCD to Heuston) or get the bus, cheaper, more comfortable and faster most times.

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 26-01-2006 at 00:20.
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Unread 25-01-2006, 23:06   #6
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Send the exact same letter to Tom Manning. See if he says "We are ordering them" and If Hannon says "I'm sick of this nonsense, there will be no 40m trams ever!"

That would be awful funny.
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Unread 26-01-2006, 00:15   #7
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While these muppets play out their, "Defend, justify and protect my job" routine, people are experiencing appalling conditions on parts of the Luas network. It's not good enough. Small improvements make a difference. There's a lot to be said for those who at least admit mistakes, take the flak, do what has to be done and move on.
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Unread 26-01-2006, 01:13   #8
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and then there are those that can't be cured of the 'Not Invented Here' syndrome..
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Unread 26-01-2006, 13:23   #9
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Just how bad is the overcrowding problem?[/quote]

To simply put it, its bad.

I have even seen ticket inspectors give up on trying to check tickets because they simply cant get down the tram.

The other day a womans phone, which was in her back pack, rang and rang and rang and all she could do was apologise for the noise because she could not move to get it out of her bag and answer it, it was that crowded.

I have also started walking when rain holds off.....
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Unread 26-01-2006, 14:32   #10
Mark Gleeson
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There is a much easier solution, what if the train started in Connolly not Heuston hmm.....

Its bad very bad out there and its only going to get worse, I've seen the numbers and even with 40m trams and shuttles the number of extra rail passengers greatly exceeds the capacity available
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Unread 26-01-2006, 15:03   #11
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And its going to get a lot worse between 2009 when the Kildare route project and all its new stations is completed and 2015 when the Interconnector is completed.

Only one thing for it...Pheonix Park Tunnel!
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Unread 26-01-2006, 21:02   #12
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Default Luas driver shows humour

WEST !!!! I also got on at Abbey and had a laugh at what the Driver said and I thought that it is very good that connex has such a driver (Insted of a grump) with a good sence of sense of humour as he brightened up my day after a hard long day at work. As I have a friend that drives the Luas I dont think you know that been a LUAS driver is not as easy as it looks with long shifts and sometimes only getting one 20 mins to 30 min breaks on a shift (As they dont get paid for breaks) and the stress of driving within traffic (Carrying approx 3,000 Pax a shift) with nippers scutting of the back of trams up around St James & Stephans Hill and also with still alot of road users & pedestrians still dont be aware of the Luas around them such as cars breaking lights and people just walking of the footpath.

'' Please stand Clear of the doors the doors are closing and If you all take a deep breath we may get another 30 on ''

Was a good way of advising people of the door closing and it dont cost any one to make others laugh so I dont think the driver was putting the system down as such but just wanted to make the Luas a little bit more enjoyable for the poor people that had to stand and be cramped which thankfully wasnt me.

A bit of advise Mark Lighten up you will be dead long enough.
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Unread 15-02-2006, 00:26   #13
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Default Sponsor?

Aparently John West are being sought to sponsor the LUAS. it ceertainly sometimes feels like being squeezed in like ''Sardines"
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Unread 15-02-2006, 23:53   #14
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Unread 20-02-2006, 21:14   #15
Red Alert
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Yeah lighten up, it's so much better to have a real person cracking the odd joke instead of that horrid synthesized voice. There was one guy on the green line one saturday morning who wished everyone 'a great day whether it's going to be work or play'.
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