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Unread 17-06-2007, 08:50   #1
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 136
Default Advertising Idea

Now heres a slightly off the wall idea.

Not sure where to put this, and we are not getting paid to give Iarnrod Eireann advertising ideas. But I like this, and I thought about it for a while, just I was a bit shy about mentioning it.

What about a version of this advertisement for Iarnrod Eireannl, if and when they are good enough. Now, if you love trains, this will make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. With credit to jimn1013 from youtube.

Ok. In Ireland, we replace the "Night Mail" with the 'Enterprise'

This is the Enterprise crossing the border
Bringing passengers, everything in order
Going to Newry, Craigavon and more
You'll get to Belfast, not paying more?

(I know, I know....poetic licence).


Now, lets get an Irish version of this, and replace the soundtrack with this.

Now, I've looked hard for this soundtrack, and the quality is pretty bad, but when you get to the climax, it might be nice.


So, you get

Train crossing Boyne Viaduct, Mallow Viaduct, Craigmore viaduct, Shannon viaduct, Helicopter shots of train around the Avoca Valley.....Bray Head or anywhere scenic on the Rosslare line. Always good for publicity.

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Unread 17-06-2007, 10:44   #2
Derek Wheeler
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I'd say when IE heads read that, it will be winging its way to the agency marked, "aren't we great. Look what we came up with."

The last time on this forum or I think it was the old one, I suggested how a shot of a train passing over the gridlocked M50 would be a good message to put across. Hey presto it appeared in their last TV campaign.

Be careful Dermo. They're vulchers.
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Unread 17-06-2007, 10:58   #3
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Posts: 136

Well, when British Rail produced that, it was a crappy, overpriced Nationalised industry, albeit better than Iarnrod Eireann today. But you have to admit that what they came up with on a hairshirt budget was damn good in the circumstances.

Then we see, on this website, the timings of 1987, versus the timings today in 2007. We consider what they did on a hairshirt budget in 1987.

Frequencies are better, services are improving.

If they did produce an advertisement like that, maybe you should show them this idea, after all, you know a hell of a lot more about filming than I do.

Move it to the members area, and keep it away from the vultures

But.....it is nice, right?

They'll have to pay Bill Whelan a few bob for that soundtrack though
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Unread 17-06-2007, 14:03   #4
Mark Gleeson
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Derek and I are part of a very select group who saw the Mk4 promotional video, its never gone public, lots of wide shots taken from a helicopter as the train flys through North Cork and Tipperary countryside, we got copies of photos but not the video

One thing I will say about journey times is the average times have actually come down on a lot of routes, a few years ago there where trains on the Dublin Cork line which took over three and a half hours while the fastest was 2:25, most regular commuters had to put up with the 3+ hour services. 21:00 Dublin Cork was 3:20, now 2:55, will be 2:40 within 3 years thats what passengers are really interested in

Of course if Irish Rail actually tried to do a proper tv ad it wouldn't be long before we would be on to the ASAI
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