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Unread 12-06-2007, 16:25   #1
Thomas J Stamp
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Default P11 Wikipedia Entry

This being the Internet and all I am often drawn into arguments here and on other forums such as politics.ie or boards.ie or IRN and occasionally people will quote from wikipedia.

Now, I don't remember doing it myself, maybe for things unrelated to P11, but usually I wouldn't as it can be edited by anyone. So, say I was going to post that P11 has a committee not one of whom are members of the human race but are in fact cats. I can edit wikipedia, save it, and present the evidence to you.

Something like this:


So there, it must be true, it says so on wikipedia. Meow.

Isn't that nice. As I didn't log on you wont know who did that little addition. Just like we don't know exactly who ser-ra-fin is but who dumped a whole load of rubbish onto the wiki entry which we only noticed today. Trouble is, ser-ra-fin, it takes you a whole lotta time to put it up and only takes me one or two seconds to delete it again.

Any ideas why people keep putting this little gem up: "the Platform 11 committee is secret".

Secret? In what way? What the hell is that over to your left, a mask? Do you think I'd buy one that makes me look like Beaker from The Muppet Show?

The fact is that, yet again, it was taken down today. Yeah, we're a highly secretive organisation. It's like the bloody mafia in here. We're soooo secret. I mean, why would we be secret, even if we wanted to? If our goal was world domination or even making a few bob you'd understand it. If we ran this gig from a vast secret underground base you'd understand it. Now, this is in fact a very boring organisation with very mundane and boring goals. You would have to wonder, though, about the mentality and the reasons behind those who go to such great lengths to discredit us and divert us from those goals.

So, don't believe anything about platform11 on wikipedia. The only reliable source of information about P11 is on our main site.

Bet Conor Faulknan doesnt have to put up with stuff like this.
We are the passengers
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Unread 12-06-2007, 18:03   #2
Derek Wheeler
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What the hell is that over to your left, a mask? Do you think I'd buy one that makes me look like Beaker from The Muppet Show?
Never noticed that before. Thanks for pointing that out. You're right. You do.

Isn't that nice. As I didn't log on you wont know who did that little addition. Just like we don't know exactly who ser-ra-fin is but who dumped a whole load of rubbish onto the wiki entry which we only noticed today. Trouble is, ser-ra-fin, it takes you a whole lotta time to put it up and only takes me one or two seconds to delete it again.
It always makes me laugh, when I read the twisted, pitiful and immature adjustments made by this band of internet warriors. The same points are added time and time again, despite the actual truth, being known by all and sundry. Perhaps its a very angry, but shy person who uses these lies as a cry for help in obtaining a committee position. Just ask, you weirdo. Actually don't.

You don't no me. None of you do. This post will self destruct.
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Unread 14-06-2007, 02:41   #3
Colm Moore
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Originally Posted by Thomas J Stamp View Post
Bet Conor Faulknan doesnt have to put up with stuff like this.
He says he gets spam, lots of spam.
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