23-09-2010, 19:12
Really Really Regluar Poster
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,146
[08-10-2010] Rep. of Ireland V Russia @ Aviva - Extra Services
Rep. of Ireland V Russia - Extra Services by Marketing Department
Iarnród Éireann are providing extra services and discounted fares for supporters travelling to the Rep of Ireland v Russia European championship qualifier in the Aviva Stadium on Friday 8th October.
Extra Intercity Services:
23.00hrs Heuston to Waterford serving Carlow, Kilkenny and Waterford.
Day return fares from €20.
23.20hrs Heuston to Cork/ Limerick serving, Limerick Junction (change for Limerick), Charleville, Mallow and Cork.
Day return fares from €30 Limerick - Dublin.
Day return fares from €40 Cork - Dublin.
23.05hrs Heuston to Galway serving Tullamore, Athlone, Ballinasloe, Athenry and Galway.
Day return fares from €35 Galway - Dublin.
There is limited availability on services after the game. Book now to avoid disappointment.
It's easy by Train!
Last edited by Jamie2k9 : 23-09-2010 at 19:17.