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Jamie2k9 23-09-2010 19:12

[08-10-2010] Rep. of Ireland V Russia @ Aviva - Extra Services

Rep. of Ireland V Russia - Extra Services by Marketing Department


Iarnród Éireann are providing extra services and discounted fares for supporters travelling to the Rep of Ireland v Russia European championship qualifier in the Aviva Stadium on Friday 8th October.

Extra Intercity Services:
23.00hrs Heuston to Waterford serving Carlow, Kilkenny and Waterford.

Day return fares from €20.

23.20hrs Heuston to Cork/ Limerick serving, Limerick Junction (change for Limerick), Charleville, Mallow and Cork.

Day return fares from €30 Limerick - Dublin.
Day return fares from €40 Cork - Dublin.

23.05hrs Heuston to Galway serving Tullamore, Athlone, Ballinasloe, Athenry and Galway.

Day return fares from €35 Galway - Dublin.

There is limited availability on services after the game. Book now to avoid disappointment.

It's easy by Train!


cullenswood 24-09-2010 08:00

Sligo/Longford line????? Will they ignore this forever?

Mark Gleeson 24-09-2010 09:14

Waterford has recently acquired a spare driver.

Extra trains will run subject to a driver, train and signalman being available. It is based on historical experience (rugby fixtures tend to result in extra train to Galway) plus evidence of demand. The FAI have to play a part here as they know how many tickets are sold in each county and club.

cullenswood 24-09-2010 09:16


Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson (Post 58577)
Waterford has recently acquired a spare driver.

Extra trains will run subject to a driver, train and signalman being available. It is based on historical experience (rugby fixtures tend to result in extra train to Galway) plus evidence of demand. The FAI have to play a part here as they know how many tickets are sold in each county and club.

Is there any one I could contact to try and get the ball moving on this. I have mailed Irish Rail a couple of times but never got anything worthwhile back.

Mark Gleeson 24-09-2010 09:23

Contact the district manager Sligo, but the FAI are the ones who can indicate the numbers who might travel and indeed advertise directly to those who have tickets.

Sligo line is now fully automated west of Maynooth and provided the train leaves before 23:30 no extra hours are needed. There is of course the issue of where a train could come from to operate the service

Colm Moore 07-10-2010 17:43


Updated Rep. of Ireland V Russia - Extra Services by Marketing Department

Iarnród Éireann are providing extra services and discounted fares for supporters travelling to the Rep of Ireland v Russia European championship qualifier in the Aviva Stadium on Friday 8th October. (Dart services listed below)

Extra Intercity Services:
23.00hrs Heuston to Waterford serving Carlow, Kilkenny and Waterford.

Day return fares from €20.

23.20hrs Heuston to Cork/ Limerick serving, Limerick Junction (change for Limerick), Charleville, Mallow and Cork.

Day return fares from €30 Limerick - Dublin.
Day return fares from €40 Cork - Dublin.

23.05hrs Heuston to Galway serving Tullamore, Athlone, Ballinasloe, Athenry and Galway.

Day return fares from €35 Galway - Dublin.

There is limited availability on services after the game. Book now to avoid disappointment.

DART Services:

The following regular services will operate to and from Lansdowne Road.

Before the match

Southbound from Malahide/Howth
17.30 Malahide/Greystones
*17.35 Malahide/Pearse
17.45 Howth/Bray
18.00 Howth/Greystones
18.17 Malahide/Bray
18.25 Howth/Connolly
18.30 Malahide/Greystones
*18.38 Malahide/Pearse
18.45 Howth/Bray

* Passengers please transfer to DART to continue journey to Lansdowne Road.

Northbound from Bray/Greystones
17.30 Greystones/Howth
17.55 Bray/Malahide
18.00 Greystones/Howth
18.25 Bray/Malahide
18.30 Greystones/Howth
18.55 Bray/Malahide

After the Match

Southbound to Bray/Greystones
21.34 Lansdowne Rd/Greystones
21.49 Lansdowne Rd/Bray
22.04 Lansdowne Rd/Greystones
22.36 Lansdowne Rd/Bray
22.49 Lansdowne Rd/Bray

Northbound to Malahide/Howth
21.44 Lansdowne Rd/Malahide
21.59 Lansdowne Rd/Howth
22.14 Lansdowne Rd/Malahide
22.29 Lansdowne Rd/Howth
22.44 Lansdowne Rd/Malahide
22.59 Lansdowne Rd/Howth

Extra capacity will be provided before and after the match.

To avoid delays travelling home after the match please purchase Return Tickets.

Return Tickets can be purchased in advance from any Iarnród Éireann booking office.

It's easy by Train!

ThomasJ 08-10-2010 18:02

Maynooth line services after match
For reference maynooth line services after match are:

22:20hrs pearse maynooth (deferred 21:55)

23:10hrs pearse maynooth

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