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Oisin88 20-12-2006 18:14


Originally Posted by NB1 (Post 15492)
"If one has normal functioning legs, its an easy integration. This would be considered perfectly acceptable integration between two rail services anywhere in the world."

Anybody with normal functioning legs could also walk between Heuston & Connolly but I would hardly call them integrated !

It's not down to the proximity of the locations. There's alot more too it.
When, at off peak times (and even peak) there is a gap in service of either the luas or the DART there is no attempt at synchronising them. i.e. for me to take the luas from seapoint to my apartment near heuston I can end up waiting 20 minutes for my 15 minute trip into town and then a further 15 minutes for my 10 minute trip on the luas. That's a joke. If it were integrated, the luas would wait for the DART passengers to reach it before leaving. It doesn't.

I actually tend to get off at Tara and walk the 15-20 minutes down the quays.

Oisin88 20-12-2006 18:20

This is going magnificently off topic now but:
Why should any other eircom league club be asked to move to tallaght just to fix a mess that rovers started in the 1980s?

Football clubs, like railway services, are more sustainable when they serve a local community/fanbase. The fact that Rovers don't have a local fanbase anywhere because of their history doesn't mean that other teams should be asked to get rid of theirs.

Dave 20-12-2006 23:09


Originally Posted by Oisin88 (Post 15510)
This is going magnificently off topic now but:
Why should any other eircom league club be asked to move to tallaght just to fix a mess that rovers started in the 1980s?

Nobody is being forced to move in with Rovers in fact we'd much rather have Tallaght to ourselves but if Pats or Shels were to ask SDCC could they play there of course SDCC are going to agree. Shels have already sold the lease on Tolka and rumours are doing the rounds that Pats are about to cash in on the value of Richmond Park. Those large apartment blocks already built at the back of Richmond are an ominous sign. If/When either club leave their existing grounds it makes a certain amount of financial sense for one of them to move into an already built soccer stadium rather than go through the tortuous process of identifying an affordable site - planning permission - financing - building.


Originally Posted by Oisin88 (Post 15510)
Football clubs, like railway services, are more sustainable when they serve a local community/fanbase. The fact that Rovers don't have a local fanbase anywhere because of their history doesn't mean that other teams should be asked to get rid of theirs.

I tend to agree with you which is why for the past 10 years Rovers have been building links in the Tallaght area, with 16 schoolboy teams, a womens team, a scholarship scheme with Tallaght IT, a merger with Tallaght basketball team now known as Shamrock Rovers Hoops and initiation of a Football in the Community Scheme. The first team are currently visiting schools in Tallaght parading the first division trophy. The only part of the club not playing football in Tallaght is the senior team.

Bohs are moving to a greenfield site at the back of the airport with little or no surrounding population and zero links to the local community. Right now they are well established in the Phibsboro/Cabra area and I think it will be a mistake for them to leave that area no matter how much money they are getting. Same goes for Pats and Inchicore.

Derek Wheeler 21-12-2006 01:01

Whats already built in tallaght was built by Rovers, despite the financial bull****. Thomas Davis are merely trying to act like vultures over the body of a poor unfortunate Irish tourist stranded in the sahara. The FAI (I hate them) support for Rovers and the recent spat over the international teams "training" session in Croker demonstrates the great united divide of your typical sports mad Dub. The GAA are forgetting that 90% of the gate in Parnell park or Croker for a dubs game, support the league of ireland game too.

There aren't many of us who do NFL games and LOI games together. But the amount who do LOI and the All Ireland championship is quite astounding.

C'mon Stamp, leave your hatred and profound jealously of Rovers in your knicker drawer. Maybe you should apply for a license to set up a club in Tipp. We can all bail down for a game in Semple:eek: and wreck Thurles. (when your new club actually makes the premier division proper) :D Unless we meet in a cup game.

Our mod is in oz. Whats this got to do with Paris? We're all free wheelin and its mad altogether. Lets keep going.

Thomas J Stamp 21-12-2006 10:48


Bohs are moving to a greenfield site at the back of the airport with little or no surrounding population and zero links to the local community. Right now they are well established in the Phibsboro/Cabra area and I think it will be a mistake for them to leave that area no matter how much money they are getting. Same goes for Pats and Inchicore.
Absolutely and totally correct. A big big mistake, that they didnt have to make, but sure whenever has real long term planning been a feature of the LoI?


The GAA are forgetting that 90% of the gate in Parnell park or Croker for a dubs game, support the league of ireland game too.
No they arent. At a Leinster Hurling Championship match about three years ago in Nowlan Park we made a comment on the outragious price of the terrace tickets and we were told by the nice lad on the style "Why dont you go home and watch your Soccer" This is one of the reasons why I am aginst the Dubs playing the first floodlit match in Croker - the GAA hates the Hill support and thinks we're just a shower of Man Utd fans with nothing better to do in the Summer. Well I've been to Castlebar, Ballyshannon, Carrick on Shannon, Park iu Rionn and Park Ui Concrete in Cork, Walsh Park, the list goes on where there have been more Dubs then home support and we get no credit for it whatsoever and in fact get insults during the summer and as far as I'm concerned that match should be in Parnell and feck the GAA.


C'mon Stamp, leave your hatred and profound jealously of Rovers in your knicker drawer. Maybe you should apply for a license to set up a club in Tipp. We can all bail down for a game in Semple and wreck Thurles. (when your new club actually makes the premier division proper) Unless we meet in a cup game.
No, you dont understand the power of the dark side of the force.

I will never credit Rovers with anything. I have an irrational hatred for them and proud of it.

You forget that there was a team from Thurles (thurles town) in the LoI for three years in the '80's. The only thing that was wrecked was them, thanks to the poxy FAI

Oisin88 21-12-2006 18:42


Originally Posted by Derek Wheeler (Post 15529)
There aren't many of us who do NFL games and LOI games together. But the amount who do LOI and the All Ireland championship is quite astounding.

I have a season ticket to Richmond Park and Parnell Park.
I've also been to mad places around the country that the GAA force Dublin to go to when they are in the qualifier series. I have travelled to all-ireland minor and U-21 games, to which Dublin also bring the biggest crowds. The 1970s resurgence of the GAA was built on the people that stopped watching teams like Berties "Drums" (sold to Home Farm in 1971 or so) and so is definitely League of Ireland and former League of Ireland people (and their money)
I agree with Derek that the GAA are happy to take Dubs money then treat them shabbily. (Similar to the way Irish Rail treat the regular user)

Derek Wheeler 21-12-2006 22:59


Originally Posted by Oisin88 (Post 15595)
I agree with Derek that the GAA are happy to take Dubs money then treat them shabbily. (Similar to the way Irish Rail treat the regular user)

We'll also drag Thomas Stamp into our agreement,(he made some bitter GAA comments aswell) despite his apparent hatred of a Soccer club who's history/record, the league of Ireland still clings to for relevence in the 21st century.

Colm Moore 27-12-2006 01:54


But Mr Delanoe defended the tram project, the largest public transport project for Paris since the city's ring road was built in the 1970s.
Um, RER?


Originally Posted by Nigel Fitzgricer (Post 15351)
In fact, I can think of places were it's even a worse integration such as the PATH trains stopping one subway station away from Penn Station in Manhattan and you need to buy a subway token to get between the two terminals. How come New Yorkers/New Jerseyites can deal with that and apparently a flight of stairs (free of charge too!) at the end of the concourse at Connolly is not integrated to you?

The hike from platform 7 to platforms eh, um - well they don't have numbers - is undesireable.

Thomas J Stamp 03-01-2007 11:25


Originally Posted by Derek Wheeler (Post 15599)
We'll also drag Thomas Stamp into our agreement,(he made some bitter GAA comments aswell) despite his apparent hatred of a Soccer club who's history/record, the league of Ireland still clings to for relevence in the 21st century.

Ah yes, and people wonder why Rovers are so well loved and respected.

[quote][,(he made some bitter GAA comments aswell)/QUOTE]

Not just me, Derek, quite a lot of us are unhappy with this. Just remember when there are no tickets available in August.

Derek Wheeler 04-01-2007 21:04


Originally Posted by Thomas J Stamp (Post 15785)
Not just me, Derek, quite a lot of us are unhappy with this. Just remember when there are no tickets available in August.

Then I'll do as Ive done before and watch in a Kildare pub, get drunk, slag the natives and condemn the GAA as I take a slurp from pint number 10.

As for the Dubs being there in August, if its already hanging on a washed up rugby player, I think the GAA are the least of our worries.

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