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Unread 12-08-2006, 19:11   #1
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Exclamation Photographs on-line or elsewhere?

Evening all, I'm new to the forum, so please be gentle with me......

I was wondering if any of you folks would be able to give me website adresses where I could find photos of the following lines in full swing and after closure, and also if possible, the info I've requested. I have tried Google, but with less than positive results.

Ardee. An enigma to put it mildly. Precious little info available, and absolutely no photos from ANY era. It would be great if i could come across some early 70s photos, and also the line today, I know it was only something like 8 miles long, but the way it has been completely forgotten is unnacceptable. Also, what kind of freight did it deliver, after it lost passenger servies (1934...?)

Waterford - Mallow/Dungarvan/Ballinacourty. I belive the majority of the track has been lifted only recently. Good ole Ireland, eh.....? I remember in the early 90s going to Helvic Head on holidays, and following a (reasonably) well preserved line with a full trackbed for most of the way.

Loughrea. I know that Ewan Duffy has done a marvellous job photographing the former trackbed, but I'm interested in photos form the early 70s (Like Ardee) I couldn't believe when I found out that it was the late 80s when it was lifted. Abandonment orders are a wonderful cop out.........

Fenit. Saw the recent station photos. Kudos to all involved. Again, early/mid 70s shots would be greatfully appreciated, and info on the sundries involved.

Edenderry. Impossible to find ANYTHING.

New Ross. Any time at all really, especially as recently as is possible. Does anyone know the last the time the line had official transport on it, and also the last weedsprayer visit?

Kingscourt. Not Gypsum, but the station PER SE. I know it was last used for passenger services in the late 40s, but when was it last used FULL STOP? Judging by the state of the trackbed from the Meath On Track photos, i would (probably incorrectly) guess that it was used for goods up the late 70s? And on that note, what kind of goods did it recieve?

Thank you, and have a good evening
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Unread 12-08-2006, 19:24   #2
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Few photos of New Ross somewhere on IRN, would be like finding a needle in a haystack to get them. Line is closed to all traffic and is falling to pieces.

As for Kingscourt, I think NavanJuntion1 or MeathOnTrack did a photo survey of the line as it stands (either that or Oldcastle, maybe they surveyed both).
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Unread 12-08-2006, 21:14   #3
Derek Wheeler
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Originally Posted by John.
Evening all, I'm new to the forum, so please be gentle with me......

I was wondering if any of you folks would be able to give me website adresses where I could find photos of the following lines in full swing and after closure, and also if possible, the info I've requested. I have tried Google, but with less than positive results.

Ardee. An enigma to put it mildly. Precious little info available, and absolutely no photos from ANY era. It would be great if i could come across some early 70s photos, and also the line today, I know it was only something like 8 miles long, but the way it has been completely forgotten is unnacceptable. Also, what kind of freight did it deliver, after it lost passenger servies (1934...?)

Waterford - Mallow/Dungarvan/Ballinacourty. I belive the majority of the track has been lifted only recently. Good ole Ireland, eh.....? I remember in the early 90s going to Helvic Head on holidays, and following a (reasonably) well preserved line with a full trackbed for most of the way.

Loughrea. I know that Ewan Duffy has done a marvellous job photographing the former trackbed, but I'm interested in photos form the early 70s (Like Ardee) I couldn't believe when I found out that it was the late 80s when it was lifted. Abandonment orders are a wonderful cop out.........

Fenit. Saw the recent station photos. Kudos to all involved. Again, early/mid 70s shots would be greatfully appreciated, and info on the sundries involved.

Edenderry. Impossible to find ANYTHING.

New Ross. Any time at all really, especially as recently as is possible. Does anyone know the last the time the line had official transport on it, and also the last weedsprayer visit?

Kingscourt. Not Gypsum, but the station PER SE. I know it was last used for passenger services in the late 40s, but when was it last used FULL STOP? Judging by the state of the trackbed from the Meath On Track photos, i would (probably incorrectly) guess that it was used for goods up the late 70s? And on that note, what kind of goods did it recieve?

Thank you, and have a good evening
Phew! John, you don't ask for much do you.

As the one who has traversed every little nook and cranny of this country looking for railway remains, in the interests of developing a "unique tourist product" for this little island and its diverse and often forgotten history, I may be able to help. Photos can be accessed through the National Library of Ireland for a fee. They search what you want and if they have it, they make a copy for you. The Irish Railway Record Society has an extensive library and I know for a fact that they have photos of lines you mention.

In relation to how the lines look now, here we go.


The alignment is more or less intact, except for the portion that is cut by the M1. Travelling north on the M1, approaching the interchange for Castlebellingham, if you look over to the right, you can see the remains of the embankment and a bridge. Take the exit at the next interchange for the N33 and follow it to Ardee. The railway alignment is on your left hand side all the way to Ardee. It has been converted to the "railway walk". As you approach Ardee, the alignment has been cut by road development, but the "walk" continues over the original rail bridge over the river dee and towards the station. The station itself has been converted to business use, but is located on a road called "railway street" in the middle of Ardee town.


Tonnes of stuff remaining. I know it inside out but too long to describe here. If you want any info on whats left and where it is, give me a ring. My number is on our main site at the bottom of the homepage.

Your covered on Fenit, Kingscourt, New Ross and Loughrea. Plenty of info and photos around the net. But again, give me a ring in relation to the Loughrea branch. An interesting thing has happened at its only intermediary station, Dunsandle.

As for Edenderry. The alignment is cut by the M4. I have a photo of a train at the platform there circa 1940s or so. Its in a book long out of print. The original station building is still there.

So, if I can help you, with whatever your at, give me a ring.
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Unread 13-08-2006, 08:15   #4
Navan Junction
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Originally Posted by John.
Kingscourt. Not Gypsum, but the station PER SE. I know it was last used for passenger services in the late 40s, but when was it last used FULL STOP?
2001 for the Kingscourt line.. Kingscourt station itself closed in 1947, but I don't know if was used again for freight. I don't think it was.

The Gypsum siding is 2 miles short of Kingscourt.

Originally Posted by sean
As for Kingscourt, I think NavanJuntion1 or MeathOnTrack did a photo survey of the line as it stands (either that or Oldcastle, maybe they surveyed both).
No, just Kingscourt. Oldcastle was closed in 1958.

Last edited by Navan Junction : 13-08-2006 at 08:26.
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Unread 13-08-2006, 12:50   #5
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Much obliged. Thanks folks for your help.
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