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Unread 06-06-2007, 14:50   #1
Mark Gleeson
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Default [article] Bray Luas Route Chosen

No surprise here

Cullen announces Luas extension route

Kilian Doyle

The route of the extension of the Luas Green Line from Cherrywood to Bray was unveiled today.

It will follow the old Harcourt Street rail line over the Bride's Glen viaduct and run alongside the M11 before crossing over the motorway to terminate in Fassaroe, which has been earmarked for major development.

The six-kilometre route was one of three options identified as part of a public consultation process by the Rail Procurement Agency (RPA)

The plan allows for a branch to a possible new Dart station at Willbrook, south of Shankill or a branch from Wilford through Bray to the Dart station on the seafront. The RPA has yet to decide on which option it will take regarding the two possible branches off the line.

The new Luas line, known as Luas Line B2 is funded under Transport 21. Possible stops along the selected route include St Colmcille's, Stonebridge Road, Crinken Lane, Wilford, Old Connaught and Fassaroe.

The line is currently being extended from Sandyford to Cherrywood.

Minister for Transport Martin Cullen said today he expected the current works to be completed by 2012, at which point work will begin on the new extension.

"It also brings into play the sort of integration we've been trying to get, namely the connectivity between Dart services at Bray and the Luas extension," Mr Cullen said. "That's one of the things the public has wanted."

When complete, he said the new route would add around 13 million passenger journeys a year. Last year 26 million passengers used the Red and Green Luas lines. This was an increase of 16 per cent over 2005.

Mr Cullen would not speculate on the potential cost of the work. However, he said it was anticipated a portion of the cost would be met by property developers who were building along the route.

A public consultation meeting on the possible branches off the main Luas line is being held by the RPA at the Royal Hotel in Bray tomorrow.

© 2007 ireland.com
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Unread 06-06-2007, 15:12   #2
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"It also brings into play the sort of integration we've been trying to get, namely the connectivity between Dart services at Bray and the Luas extension," Mr Cullen said. "That's one of the things the public has wanted."
I'm not sure that's quite the integration most people had in mind. I'm sure this has been done to death before but can someone explain to me why Bray is getting a second train/tram line? I know Bray is a big area but it seems strange to provide rail connections to yet another out-lying area instead of concentrating on building up the city.

Last edited by markpb : 06-06-2007 at 15:15.
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Unread 06-06-2007, 17:46   #3
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Originally Posted by markpb View Post
I'm not sure that's quite the integration most people had in mind. I'm sure this has been done to death before but can someone explain to me why Bray is getting a second train/tram line? I know Bray is a big area but it seems strange to provide rail connections to yet another out-lying area instead of concentrating on building up the city.
Nah, think of it this way:

Resident south of Bray (Greystones or Wicklow, or even Arklow/Gorey for example) works in Sandyford, or Cherrywood, or whatever. Joining the Luas Green Line to the Dart at this point makes sense in terms of linking Co. Wicklow commuters to other parts of the city.

Greystones - Bray (DART), change at Bray to continue by Luas to Cherrywood is a perfectly reasonable demand - yes you can do it by shuttle bus or by driving to a station car park but it's harder to persuade commuters to make the switch when it's like that.

The real madness would be to have a Luas line going south from the city centre via Cherrywood to Fassaroe and a train line going south from the city centre to the south-east via Bray centre (about a mile, two miles from Fassaroe?) without connecting them. Convincing Wicklow commuters to take the train instead of the N11 would be more difficult if they had to make their own way between Luas and train - so close yet so far!
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Unread 06-06-2007, 18:52   #4
Colm Moore
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
The plan allows for a branch to a possible new Dart station at Willbrook, south of Shankill or a branch from Wilford through Bray to the Dart station on the seafront. The RPA has yet to decide on which option it will take regarding the two possible branches off the line.
So there is no real decision and no connectivity?

Mind DeGappe.
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Unread 06-06-2007, 19:51   #5
Mark Hennessy
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Minister for Transport Martin Cullen said today he expected the current works to be completed by 2012, at which point work will begin on the new extension.
5 more years before the extension is built!!!
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Unread 06-06-2007, 20:22   #6
James Shields
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Originally Posted by markh View Post
5 more years before the extension is built!!!
That does seem excessive, but I applaud the idea of having the second extension lined up for the contractors to move on to as soon as the first is finished.

I wonder if the same could happen at the other end, and have the Liffey Junction extension ready to start as soon as the city centre link-up is finished.
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Unread 06-06-2007, 23:30   #7
Derek Wheeler
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Are we correct in assuming that the existing Brides Glen viaduct is being used? (according to that article) The RPA had suggested that a new crossing was being built. The approach to the existing viaduct is a tad difficult. but not impossible. Personally speaking (and P11 made this point to the RPA) the use of existing infrastructure was far more preferable.
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Unread 07-06-2007, 04:48   #8
Colm Moore
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Oddly enough, it is only on the DoT website, no the RPA one. Teh last few lines of the PR reeks of "we're taking all the glory, but doing none of the work". Shenanigans (to keep ministerial office?).

Cullen announces Cherrywood to Bray Luas route selection
6 June 2007

Transport Minister Martin Cullen TD, together with the Chief Executive of the Railway Procurement Agency, Mr Frank Allen, this afternoon (Wednesday 6 June 2007) announced the preferred route selected by the RPA for the Cherrywood to Bray area Green Line Luas extension.

The selected route was one of three route options identified as part of a public consultation process by the RPA which commenced in August 2006. This new Luas line, (known as Luas Line B2) is funded under Transport 21 and will run from Cherrywood to Fassaroe. It will follow the route of the old Harcourt Street rail alignment over the Brides Glen viaduct to the M11. The line will then continue south, parallel to the motorway to the Wilford interchange, where it will cross to the western side of the motorway on a new bridge and continue southwards through Old Connaught and Fassaroe. Possible stops along the selected route, which will run to over six kilometres include St. Colmcilles, Stonebridge Road, Crinken Lane, Wilford, Old Connaught and Fassaroe.

A link to the DART at either of two locations is subject to further public consultation. The options are either a link to a proposed station at Woodbrook or alternatively to the existing DART station at Bray. Public consultation on this particular aspect of the route will be held by the RPA tomorrow Thursday 7 June from 11am to 8pm at the Royal Hotel, Bray.

Structural work has already started on the Luas Line B1, which also sees an extension (7.5 kilometres) to the Luas Green Line from Sandyford to Cherrywood. Speaking this afternoon, Minister Martin Cullen TD said: "I am delighted that work has commenced on the Luas Green Line which will extend the line network and give commuters the option of travelling from St. Stephens Green to Sandyford and on to Cherrywood. I also welcome the selection of the route - again extending the Green Line - from Cherrywood to the Bray area. Since its introduction in 2004, Luas has proven to be an attractive means of transport for commuters. Last year (2006), 26 million passengers used the Red and Green Luas lines, a 16% increase on 2005. Luas provides a quick, safe and environmentally friendly alternative to the private car. When up and running, the extensions to the Green Line will offer greater travel choice, flexibility and more frequent services to Luas customers.

Speaking about the Cherrywood to Bray area route selection, Frank Allen, Chief Executive of the Railway Procurement Agency said: This decision is another milestone in the development of the new rail-based infrastructure for the Greater Dublin Area. I am very pleased that the Railway Procurement Agency is continuing to make a significant contribution to the future development of public transport in the city and look forward to delivering the seven new Luas lines and two Metros which are planned under Transport 21."

Issued by: Michelle Hoctor, 087 8563070 / Veronica Scanlan, 087 6430622

For information about the public consultation process tomorrow in Bray, please contact the RPA on 1800 676 464.
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Unread 07-06-2007, 14:44   #9
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At least no mention yet of the guided bus they were harping on about to form the connection between the two modes. It was mooted in the Bray LUTS. The Woodbrook connection is more feasible but the Bray connection penetrates the town and would provide a larger passenger number increase. It would also serve the Bray Town centre development which currently is mired in red tape and flood defence issues.

Name:  BrayLUTS_option2.JPG
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Originally Posted by Derek Wheeler
Are we correct in assuming that the existing Brides Glen viaduct is being used? The RPA had suggested that a new crossing was being built. The approach to the existing viaduct is a tad difficult. but not impossible.
I would assume so. Sadly lack of foresight shall mean that a detour around on of the office blocks there (Is it First Active?) will be needed to link up with the old bridge. Both the option of a new crossing AND using the old crossing was analysed.

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its a pity the route is not traversing the Cherrywood Roundabout and straight over the Bridge. Its probably routed south of it to connect to the planned Cherrywood Town Centre.

Last edited by Mark : 07-06-2007 at 15:08.
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Unread 16-06-2007, 08:11   #10
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Default Bride's Glen Viaduct

I went up to have a look in the best tradition of informed engineering.

While the approach from Cherrywood has its own routing problems, it appears to be workable. What I was interested in was the other side, where the line appears to go between ongoing development (houses being built *very* close to the west side of the line), existing houses & gardens and on the east side a sports ground.

From those P11ers who have been there before, do they think there's enough room to go between the sports ground and the houses, or is there a CPO in the offing? I can't see clearly from the map where exactly it goes.
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Unread 16-06-2007, 12:39   #11
Mark Gleeson
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Massive CPO if they go with the Bray town option

Carlisle Grounds would have a lump taken off them. Irish Rail likely to oppose since the patch behind the grounds has a 38Kv DART substation

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 16-06-2007 at 12:41.
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Unread 16-06-2007, 12:52   #12
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
Massive CPO if they go with the Bray town option

Carlisle Grounds would have a lump taken off them. Irish Rail likely to oppose since the patch behind the grounds has a 38Kv DART substation
if it doesn't go within 200 yards of the dart station i'll lose all faith with this government. sure, it might link with N11, but from a public transport point of view that's hardly viable.

by the way, i assume when these extensions are open, there'll be extra rolling stock and sandyford only trams at rush hour, especially in the morning?
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Unread 17-06-2007, 17:27   #13
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If the LUAS goes to the DART - maybe there might be "necessary engineering changes" at the station similar to what was mentioned in the Greystones thread about properly converting Bray to a through station
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Unread 19-06-2007, 21:28   #14
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In relation to the 38Kv substation it could be moved 100 metres onto the golf club lands that are going to accomadate the massive new shopping centre.A condition could even be attached to the planning permission that the developers have to give IE the necessary land for their substation (around 40 metres squared?).

The pylons for the D.A.R.T. could be put on one side of the track only, like in Seapoint D.A.R.T station.

A road tunnel instead of the level crossing outside Bray D.A.R.T. station was first mooted in the 1860's if it were built now it would replace the footbridge and give space to the LUAS to come right up to DART station.

As far as I know the old Cash and Carry opposite Bray DART station is derelict,it could be CPOed for a carpark to replace the one lost.

The supports of the bridge over the river Dargle are larger then the deck.
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Unread 22-06-2007, 16:12   #15
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if they can move the substation theres plenty of room to build a luas station where the small station carpark is currently (just beside the level crossing) - formerly a cattle bank i think. Line could then run over a new (or widened) bridge parallel to the DART line and around the edge of the proposed golf club development.

the level crossing is never that busy - I don't see why it couldn't be closed entirely - theres numerous alternative routes to the seafront.
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Unread 22-06-2007, 19:30   #16
Mark Gleeson
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Substation can be moved, its only 20 feet from the railway to the wall of Carlisle grounds at the north end, it won't fit unless you take the Carlisle grounds as well

Originally Posted by shweeney View Post
the level crossing is never that busy - I don't see why it couldn't be closed entirely - theres numerous alternative routes to the seafront.
But ones with 5m clearance ??, a double decker fits under one bridge only and its a one way
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