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Unread 11-10-2006, 12:54   #1
grainne whale
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Default Carparking at Hazelhatch Station

I'm just new to this forum so forgive me if topic has been mentioned before. The existing carpark at Hazelhatch is filling up now about 7 30am. People catching later trains are parking along the Hazelhatch Road (in the direction of Celbridge). This is a Health and Safety issue as pedestrians are forced to walk along the road at this location, this is a very busy road. Also traffic is forced to come over the white line at this point as well. Why cannot IE put in a very temporary car park (broken stone and quarry dust) at Hazelhatch Station, they do own land adjoining the existing carpark. All is needed is a very temporary measure to avoid an accident waiting to happen.
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Unread 11-10-2006, 14:03   #2
Mark Gleeson
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Car parking is consistently the biggest problem we hear about.

In simple terms IE are lazy, in more complex terms the place is going to turn into a building site shortly while the station is rebuilt it gets 3 more platforms and the new car park, new access roads and so on. The official plans show that the site is to be used as a construction compound and will be used to store materials for the project

The lands around the station are not owned by IE (not yet), the new car park site is made up of several different chunks of land the largest is 21209 sq meters which IE have been granted compulsory purchase over a few months ago. IE own a isolated 4641 sq meter lump which is surrounded by the lands they CPO'ed that becomes the new access road into the carpark

The current car park is listed as 103 spaces, approved plans for delivery by 2009 show a massive 396 space car park, see attached image. The bridge is also to be replaced with a wider one. There are road access issues as well also being addressed by the station works, in time you should see a brand new secure car park in the meanwhile you have no choice but to wait. It is funded, permission granted and the digging has started

Thing to look at would be to sort out the crap feeder bus service

On the road safety issue your local councillor will be more than happy get there name on some double yellow lines
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Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 11-10-2006 at 14:09.
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Unread 11-10-2006, 14:10   #3
grainne whale
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Many thanks for your reply, as far as I know IE do own land adjoining the existing carpark (to the east just by the service gate), it would solve the carparking problem for the moment by just getting some of the cars of the main road.
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Unread 11-10-2006, 14:26   #4
Mark Gleeson
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We have the list of all landowners at the station site, the entire new car park is on private land acquired by IE under CPO, one of the 2 access roads is on IE land

The real problem is 3 extra platforms will go in on the north side, i.e. on the existing car park which in turn blocks access to the small (C)IE land holding at the east end of the station.

The plans are comprehensive, new link road and well thought out (yes a suprise from IE), you should be seeing part of the new car park open quickly

Kildare and Newbridge suffer from almost identical problems a somewhat similar situation with land and there is a chance that the quick fix might be used well IE haven't done anything about it since Marcg, in the case of Hazelhatch its just not possible. Real problem is IE don't explain what they are doing to the public, if they had a sign up saying

"New footlit CCTV fitted 400 space car park under construction" be a awful lot more proactive than us crawling through planning applications to see what IE are doing, none of the plans for Hazelhatch are on the IE website for instance

Of course the project is running 2 years late thanks to the usual time wasting acting in the Department of Transport
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Unread 17-10-2006, 08:28   #5
Ronald Binge
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The problem exists now, however. The lack of capacity at the Hatch has a practical effect - instead of being able to get on the 0808 this morning I drove to the Mad Cow, adding to the scrum on the N7 between the Green Isle and there, as the 0835 can be unreliable and there is a requirement for me to be at my desk no later than 0915.

Hitting the pavement parkers may keep the Health and Safety brigade happy but has no practical effect in forcing anyone's hand in making additional parking available.
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Unread 13-11-2006, 16:01   #6
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This situation is inevitable given all the extra houses being built in the area.

As a helpful measure to this problem, is it possible to get an improved bus shuttle service to the station.

The current service needs to be improved and should be focused on rush hour services.

I myself drive to the station each morning whereas if I could be assured of a shuttle bus I would us it, as would many others I am sure.

The service needs clear info on where you can get on/off!

The bus currently picks up at the entrance to the station on the main road but has no clear stop or a shelter if conditions are bad.
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Unread 15-11-2006, 21:21   #7
Ronald Binge
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The only evidence that a feeder bus exists is on the Kildare - Portlaoise timetable leaflets. Burchills/Bus Eireann/Irish Rail have never publicised the service outside of the timetable.

It wouldn't be expensive to produce a simple timetable sheet for display purposes but it is debatable if Dublin Bus would permit any information about the feeder bus at the DB bus stops, seeing as Mortons etc are being forced to construct their own stops. Protectionism Irish style as usual.

The other major problem with the feeder bus is that there is only one way to get to the Hatch from the bulk of Celbridge, that is, over the Bridge. Since the demise of the traffic lights (hastened by vested interests, but that's another story) the Clane Road traffic has the right of way over the Maynooth Road traffic, blocking the main street for much of the morning peak. Fifteen minutes to get down the Main Street at times in the morning doesn't make for good timetabling.
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Unread 16-11-2006, 10:58   #8
Thomas J Stamp
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I have a deep seated hatred for that station and its so-called bus service:

http://forum.platform11.org/showthre...tch#post379 6

Nice to see how things havent gotten any better.
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Unread 16-11-2006, 11:19   #9
grainne whale
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How very odd !!
Which station is your favourite?
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Unread 16-11-2006, 12:26   #10
Thomas J Stamp
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Boombridge. Exciting.
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