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Unread 20-10-2006, 10:49   #1
Ronald Binge
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Default Disinformation dies hard..

On the green line this morning I overheard one twenty-something commuter say to another that the reason why the two luas lines didn't link up was that the tracks were of different width I hadn't heard that particular red herring for some time.

It's mornings like these that I really believe that a whole generation got it's ideas about public transport from "Marge vs. The Monorail"
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Unread 20-10-2006, 11:08   #2
Mark Gleeson
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You would have thought the tram with the red line maps they had on the green line for 6 months or so last year would have sorted it out

The track gauge is 1435 on both, the loading guage ie maximum width of train that will fit is significantly wider between Beechwood and Sandyford to allow for later metro

Note the RPA have never made a statement on the fact, bear in mind the RPA website has dead links to the press release for the metro yesterday you really wonder
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Unread 20-10-2006, 16:45   #3
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I've heard that one in taxis too.

Although a taxi driver in cork recently told me that the tunnel was leaking and would have to be closed for 2 years, have its lining removed and be reconstructed and that it would cost "billions"
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Unread 20-10-2006, 20:34   #4
Derek Wheeler
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Originally Posted by MrX
I've heard that one in taxis too.

Although a taxi driver in cork recently told me that the tunnel was leaking and would have to be closed for 2 years, have its lining removed and be reconstructed and that it would cost "billions"
Don't get me started on Taxi Drivers. I was listening to the Joe Duffy show today and a Dublin taxi driver was on the airwaves giving it loads about how metro north was a load of tosh and his idea was much better. His idea?

"Liffey Junction, Broadstone alignment, Forget about Stephens Green(It'll be bleedin chaos) Metro only goes through Drumcondra coz o Bertie" etc etc.

Joe Duffy commended him on his "vision". I tried to get on, but failed, because more loonies were in waiting, to agree with said taxi driver. Just as the show was about to end, a rather perturbed Frank Allen from the RPA came on saying he'd been tipped off about the taxi drivers rant on the show. To his credit,he attempted to clarify things, (in relation to Broadstone and Liffey junction) but time ran out for him. The RPA need a PR person fast to react and constantly monitor this insane misinformation.

My first piece of free advice to the RPA is this. Contact the taxi regulator and provide him with 1000s of copies of the T21 map. He in turn can distribute them to taxi drivers, so they can arm themselves with the facts, instead of the drivel that some of them come out with in relation to public transport projects. Ive experienced this and now I don't engage, because apparently Im wrong every time.
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Unread 20-10-2006, 20:34   #5
Derek Wheeler
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Originally Posted by MrX
I've heard that one in taxis too.

Although a taxi driver in cork recently told me that the tunnel was leaking and would have to be closed for 2 years, have its lining removed and be reconstructed and that it would cost "billions"
Don't get me started on Taxi Drivers. I was listening to the Joe Duffy show today and a Dublin taxi driver was on the airwaves giving it loads about how metro north was a load of tosh and his idea was much better. His idea?

"Liffey Junction, Broadstone alignment, Forget about Stephens Green(It'll be bleedin chaos) Metro only goes through Drumcondra coz o Bertie" etc etc.

Joe Duffy commended him on his "vision". I tried to get on, but failed, because more loonies were in waiting, to agree with said taxi driver. Just as the show was about to end, a rather perturbed Frank Allen from the RPA came on saying he'd been tipped off about the taxi drivers rant on the show. To his credit,he attempted to clarify things, (in relation to Broadstone and Liffey junction) but time ran out for him. The RPA need a PR person fast to react and constantly monitor this insane misinformation.

My first piece of free advice to the RPA is this. Contact the taxi regulator and provide him with 1000s of copies of the T21 map. He in turn can distribute them to taxi drivers, so they can arm themselves with the facts, instead of the drivel that some of them come out with in relation to public transport projects. Ive experienced this and now I don't engage, because apparently Im wrong every time.
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Unread 20-10-2006, 21:16   #6
Navan Junction
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Originally Posted by Derek Wheeler
Joe Duffy commended him on his "vision".
I love it.

In the past 2 weeks I have been contacted by a national radio station asking if I could find road commuters from Cavan on one occaision and a rail commuter from Dundalk on the second.

The ironic thing was that this was to create an issue.

The Navan issue is a real issue but they have no interest.

I love the Irish media. Bar Frank McDonald and one or two other notables, they are completely indifferent to educated commentary, especially on transport.
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Unread 20-10-2006, 23:20   #7
Derek Wheeler
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I love the Irish media too!

Talking in transport terms and in an age where transport is a huge issue in Ireland and will continue to be for the next 20 years or so, its about time media outlets started to recruit journalists/researchers/producers etc. who can report accurately on transport topics. In my opinion, the only journalist with any semblence of understanding in this area is Frank Mcd of the Times.

Apart from that, who could we name?
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Unread 21-10-2006, 19:33   #8
Thomas J Stamp
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I agree.

EG, how many of you spotted the Irish indo Grapic of the metro line, showing "Berties House" and "St lukes" and mentioning that the line is diverted to Drumcondra - where Bertie is. The implication being that millions were wasted giving Bertie the metro instead of prasing the RPA for a little bit of intgration.

Treacy Hogan, please stand up, did you write that tripe, or was it editorialised? If it was the former, you should be ashamed, if it was the latter, you must feel really bad picking up that pay cheque.

BTW, when's your next story belittling the LUAS? Closely followed up by one on the rail network in which you write two paragraphs and Barry Kenny's press release consists of the next nine?
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Unread 21-10-2006, 22:13   #9
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Derek if you are going to Q&A on monday, and if you get a chance, you should try mentioned this tripe from the Indo and other tabloids speading unhelpful rumers. Use the infamous examlple of the 2 incompatable Luas lines as well as the Bertie moved the Metro to Drumcondra story.
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Unread 13-11-2006, 22:55   #10
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Originally Posted by Ronald Binge View Post
On the green line this morning I overheard one twenty-something commuter say to another that the reason why the two luas lines didn't link up was that the tracks were of different width I hadn't heard that particular red herring for some time.

It's mornings like these that I really believe that a whole generation got it's ideas about public transport from "Marge vs. The Monorail"
For the record, a red herring is used as a distraction from the main argument (i.e. something that is irrelevant to the point) and usually is factual. What you have here is simple confusion of information (gauge difference is between DART and Luas, versus discrete Luas lines).

And if the public does not have sufficient information about their public transportation systems, that's the fault of those that provide that service more than anyone else.
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Unread 14-11-2006, 09:26   #11
Ronald Binge
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There's a letter in the Business Post last Sunday which has the lines:

2) What is the point of linking the two Luas lines? The original purpose of the Metro, as enunciated by Seamus Brennan, was to link both Luas lines and the airport.

If the Metro is going to do this, why build an additional Luas link - particularly as the gauges of the two lines are different.
This particular Red Herring seems to have slipped into almost any discussion about Luas. Everything starts from somewhere.
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Unread 20-11-2006, 20:29   #12
Derek Wheeler
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Originally Posted by Ronald Binge View Post
There's a letter in the Business Post last Sunday which has the lines:

This particular Red Herring seems to have slipped into almost any discussion about Luas. Everything starts from somewhere.
I was going to comment, but I won't. Im turning into the "bad boy" of PR lately.
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