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Unread 24-11-2010, 14:18   #1
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Default Reservations and heating on trains

As we come into the beginning of what is expected to be a harsh winter I'm just wondering do Irish Rail have any intention of ever turning the heating on? The trains are always very cold and have been freezing for the last couple of weeks but not to the point where it was unbearable. This morning, however, on the 6 am train from Waterford to Dublin it was actually horrible. I was shaking the whole way up on the train, so was the man beside me and I heard so many people complaining about the cold. A couple of people mentioned it to the ticket checker guy but nothing was done. Is it too much to ask to have the heating turned on? Is it too much to expect a comfortable journey?

Also, why is it that Irish Rail can't display the reservations on seats as soon as they display the platform number on the main board in Hueston? Three times last week and once this week (so far) I have had to move seats because when I sat down there was nothing on the display (nor any leaflet on the seat) but each time someone has come along 10-15 minutes before departure and pointed to the display for me to see that suddenly there is a name on the display. Fortunately the train isn't packed enough for me to be left without a seat because of this error but I don't think it's fair that passengers have to play musical chairs because Irish Rail can't do something so simple. It happened on Monday of this week and an extremely rude man started shouting at me on the train eventhough it wasn't my fault, I explained what had happened to him but was told to stop talking through my a**e.
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Unread 24-11-2010, 14:36   #2
Mark Gleeson
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Both issues are raised regularly with Irish Rail

The heating setting has always been too low from day one

The reservation system is unreliable and is out to tender for replacement
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Unread 24-11-2010, 14:44   #3
Colm Moore
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There is little meaningful ability to predict weather beyond about 10 days.

Originally Posted by pixiebean22 View Post
A couple of people mentioned it to the ticket checker guy but nothing was done. Is it too much to ask to have the heating turned on? Is it too much to expect a comfortable journey?
A few points.

* The ticket checker may not have told the driver. Be, em, direct with the ticket checker if there is no improvement.
* Make sure you eat before you travel.
* It is possible the driver may not have been able to do anything, because not all engines were working

Also, why is it that Irish Rail can't display the reservations on seats as soon as they display the platform number on the main board in Hueston?
Its unlikely the passenger manifest wasn't available. So its down to "issues" with the system and staff slowness.

It happened on Monday of this week and an extremely rude man started shouting at me on the train eventhough it wasn't my fault, I explained what had happened to him but was told to stop talking through my a**e.
Take a photo next time.
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Unread 24-11-2010, 16:12   #4
Mark Gleeson
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A software change was made to the ICR fleet last spring which changes the order of load shedding if an engine fails. The heating is now given top priority after the safety related requirements, only the lights have a higher priority.

As a result if there is an engine failure the under table power sockets will be cut automatically. Previously they stayed working while the heating did not
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Unread 24-11-2010, 20:02   #5
James Howard
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I'm not so sure about any change to the power sockets. I've been using the power sockets on the Sligo line since the 22k trains first came in and it has always been the case that the power drops out immediately when the engine goes out.

One thing about the 22ks is that the HVAC seems to be very consistent. Unless there is an engine out, they are always nice and cool in the summer and nice and warm in the winter.

On a 29k, it is always worth walking through the train to try to find a warm car. On the Longford trains there are normally one or two cars that remain unheated for months on end. Just put a hand to a radiator before you settle down.
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Unread 24-11-2010, 21:30   #6
Mark Gleeson
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ICR wise previously the power died on the dead coach, but it now dies in all coaches to provide enough juice to keep the heating live

There was a serious attempt this year to sort out the 29k issues and we were provided with some details which suggested very substantial improvements. The classic turn it off and on again routine has a high success rate in getting it working.

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 24-11-2010 at 21:34.
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