I noticed that Mark Gleeson has a sticky thread in another forum regarding Broken Lifts / Accessibility.
Seeing it reminded me of a nit pick that I have regarding the on platform displays (y'know, the bright red LED thingies - I'm sure there is a correct technical name, forgive my ignorance).
Before I begin the nitpick, I wish to state that I absolutely agree that accessibility issues are very important and they should be made clear. As an aside, I don't see any issue of accessibility issues on IE site - under General News section might be a good place for them to put it.
However, I am of the opinion that IE are mixing up long-term information (broken lifts) with short-term information (when is the next train) by displaying both on the on-platform LED displays. Ideally, long term notices such as accessibility should be on posters around the location so that they cannot be missed by those that need it whereas the LED displays could be missed by those in a hurry or distracted.
A related gripe, if you ever pass through Connolly from platforms 6/7 to the main station you may have noticed people milling around the top of the stairs on platform 5. Nice to have the displays (do you remember the auld days waiting for the signal to go amber?) but positioning of and information on them needs to be reconsidered.