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Unread 13-08-2006, 23:41   #6
Derek Wheeler
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Originally Posted by lostcarpark
We've had similar levels of service on the Enterprise (at least those sets staffed by NIR) for some time, though this report sounds a cut above even that, which is very good.

If IE can get to the bottom of the issue and sort this out for all Intercity trains, it should be better for everyone - even the train managers should get more satisfaction and pride out of their work. It sounds like the union is dragging its feet, but I have to wonder how much of the blame falls to IE. IE's industrial relations strategy would seem to date from the Victorian era.

It's hard to know what goes on between IE and the unions, but as an outsider there always seems to be an "us and them" approach, with everything having to go the the LRC. Instead they should be sitting down together, and taking a partnership approach, with genuine benefits for staff in exchange for real improvements in the way the company operates.

I agree credit should be given where it's due, but we still have a lot to acomplish.
Thats the best damn post on the indutrial relations issue within IE that Ive read recently. Spot on James. It is indeed about management doing a job that involves actual management of resources. They should realise that staff are resources. Unfortunetly they don't and continue to foster a "them and us" approach. This attitude plays into the hands of the hardened union culture, a culture that is, as outdated as the management style.

The first people to get the boot in IE, should be the Human resources Dept. Its a failure. A throwback to the 19th century. Fresh thinking is required, to match the modernisation of the network.

Management Vs unions/staff in IE can be compared with the Northern Ireland issue. Too many leaders, with too many agendas, that are NOT representative of the public and are to the detriment of the public. All agendas are rooted deep in history. History is only good if we can learn from it.
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