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Unread 11-08-2006, 13:44   #1
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Default Customer service - As it should be - CDE staff deserve a pat on the back

I was on the 11am CDE/MK4 to Cork from Dublin this morning and have to say that I was well-impressed by how the staff handled things.

1) PIS worked well
2) The train manager was available and very visible walking up and down the train quite regularly.
3) On board cleaning was very effective.
4) The train manager made some very useful suplementary announcements all of which were reasonably clear e.g. he added in extra connection services.
5) He helped people stow bags and made a huge effort for a few disabled passengers on board. Far better than I've seen on IE before.
6) On arrival at cork he announced "to mind the large gap" and invited anyone with mobility difficulties to remain on board so that he could help them off safely.

Simple things like that can make all the difference. I felt the train was actually managed and that someone was interested in passenger welfare on board.

It would almost make you over look the questionable "hard" ride.

I strongly feel that when IE get things right they should be praised for it.

Service this morning was a model of how things should be on ALL intercity services.
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