I have an aversion to threads like these
Perhaps our resident legal guru can confirm or lambast.
Actually, neither, as i'm on holidays and cant look it up.
So, here is the senario:
Is there any negligence on the part of IE in the running of an unmanned car park if someones car gets broken into. As Derek says, different idea if it was manned and you'd paid. To use an allusion: If your car gets broken into on Merrion Square do you have the Right to sue Dublin City Council for Damages? Nope.
But, and this is where is it interesting..... if you are in a pub and your car gets damaged in the car park while you are a customer, or if you are in the Tesco car park, you do have a cause of action, but proving causation and remotness and probability can be a big problem. In all liklihood you're not onto a winner and that would explain why it is the policy of IE
not to man their car parks.