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Unread 08-08-2006, 12:15   #2
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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Sorry to hear about this

One of the principle problems raised at public meetings is that of car parking and security. I'm told that the latest trend is to steal air bags from the car. At one of the meetings in Newbridge a middle aged gentleman held the floor for some minutes describing his misfortune when his car disappeared from the cark park that very evening

Unfortunately Irish Rail are not liable for any damage or loss on there property its in the published terms and conditions of travel. Short of a train crashing through the fence and into your car you have no claim

CCTV is of course a possible solution and IE seem like they will invest in it but the only solution is to have a man on site on patrol but IE refuse to employ someone unless they charge for parking which clearly is not on

Irish Rail promised a lot at meetings but has so far not delivered

If you want to complain (if only to vent some anger) you could write to one of these two gentlemen they know all about cars getting vandalised in IE car parks along the Kildare line

Steve Murphy, Manager Southern and Western or
Myles McHugh, Service Planning Manager Southern and Western
Iarnrod Eireann
Heuston Station
Dublin 8

Appearently there is a new office for complaints but despite promises of details we have no info on its address (we do know it has staff)

We welcome all reports of problems the more we know about the more likely IE will do something

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 08-08-2006 at 12:18.
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