[27-7-2006] 13:30 Cork Dublin
The grapevine had reported serious problems with the 13:30 Cork Dublin (aka the new train), it had a suspension fault and was limited to 60mph, I was booked on it. I knew this at 13:40
Show up Thurles ask ticket checker he knows nothing at 14:35 (due at 14:47), it as a little late he was surprised I was expecting a major delay. I'm stuck since I can't board the 14:54 service since I have a reserved seat. Ticket checker then confirms the train is late at 14:52. NO PA was made to make this known, no one cared since they pilled onto the 14:54 train
So 19 minutes late the train rolls in and sets off and cruises along at 60 mph the whole way to Dublin. The suspension seemed to be at fault on the citygold coach, the travelling technical crew did a visual inspection at Port Laois, they reboarded and we left quickly
So Happy the train manager makes the usual inaudible PA as we pass Inchicore that we had been delayed due to speed restrictions en route, doesn't match the reality, you are not allowed blame the new train.
Telling the truth seems to be a step too far for IE
Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 31-07-2006 at 10:11.