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Unread 11-07-2006, 11:13   #4
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Originally Posted by lostcarpark
I hope we'll get more details of what happened in Castleknock. It's still only the second serious failure of a 2900 in nearly three years of service, which it not bad going.
I was on the train in question yesterday. We stopped in castleknock to let people off as per usual, and just as they closed the doors to take off again, theres was a bang, which sounded to me like the engine cutting out.

Sat there for a couple more minutes, and then people started to get off; a lot get off at Coolmine anyway, so most were prepared to walk.

I went down along the platform and the driver was in the back, pushing buttons; someone in front of me asked him was it worth waiting, he said no, then I said he should make an announcement but he said "i already f*cking did that, I don't want 600 people asking me the same question allthe time". Charming as always - but there was no announcement, so god knows what he was on about. Maybe the speakers were out too.

I didn't see any flames or anything else, but 2 fire tenders and an ambulance appeared at that point.

A good 15 mins after we stopped there was still about 200 people sitting on the train, so any fire/evacuation procedures they may have weren't very effective. No sign of any staff other than the driver.
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