Thread: Sail & Rail
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Unread 18-03-2017, 18:42   #257
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602

I understand the NTA were approached to provide 06.00 and 20.00 journeys on route 53 (the service bus via East Wall) but apparently have no plans to do so.

Regarding the connecting bus it is disappointing that the Heuston element of the route has been discontinued. I used it on a number of occasions and invariably there were several fellow passengers onboard. Off-peak especially early-morning off the 05.55 Ulysses it is a mere 4 minutes or so additional time from O'Connell Bridge to Heuston.

This bus transfer should be available as an integral part of the SailRail fare as it would avoid the faffing around and delay that goes on at times while passengers enquire the fare, the stops and whether sterling can be accepted etc...
Ferry - Bus Times
Express Bus Transfer to and from the Dublin Ferryport Terminal

Dublin Port is served by an Express Bus Transfer 7 days a week. The Express Bus Transfer service is operated by Mortons Coaches.

The fare is €3 for an Adult and €1.50 for a Child. Adult return is €5 and child return is €2.50, payable on board.

Outbound services will operate from the Mortons Bus Stop located on Westmoreland Street daily at 07:15hrs, 13.30hrs & 19:00hrs. This is the only outbound pick up location.

Inbound services a coach to meet all of our ferry arrivals with drop off points at Connolly & Westmoreland Street.
Bus service to and from the Dublin Ferryport Terminal

A regular public bus service also operates between the city center and Dublin Ferryport. The number 53 terminus is on Talbot street. Standard bus fares apply to this service and free travel passes may be used. Please click here for timetable and route.

Connections between Busarus and Heuston Station, where not shown, are possible by Luas light rail or local bus routes. These services are not included and are payable separately. Please note all bus times are subject to change. For any queries regarding this schedule, please call Dublin Ferryport at 01- 607 5519
Source: Accessed: 18/03/2017.
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