Originally Posted by berneyarms
Apart from the Belmond rake and a coach being used for the weedsprayer train, there are no Mark 3 coaches left - they've all been scrapped.
The hourly enterprise could still happen - but it would need all the Mark 4 sets back in service and most of the 2700s as well to cascade ICRs across.
yup, last night I was gazing at pics of carraiges being pulverised in a scrapyard in the north.
there aren't enough Mark4's for that to happen (although you have to wonder why they sent a mark4 on a gauging mission up to Belfast recently).
There is also the branding exercise - Mark4/DD are on the routes to Cork and Belfast for a reason, they are being marketed as superior services to the common railcar fleet. That's diluted by putting a lot of railcars on, for whatever reason.
If there is anything like long term planning going on, both types of carriages will be entering end of life within 10 years of each other, if they were all replaced at the same time using a common stock you would have a lot of flexibility. that's probably 20 years from now so lots of time to get ready for it.