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Unread 14-03-2016, 11:03   #66
Thomas J Stamp
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Originally Posted by James Howard View Post
I would say that I have not met a single person who would take the Luas drivers' side more than I do. It is difficult to see how an income that tops out around 45K is sufficient to enable a reasonable standard of living in a city where the average house costs nearly 7 times that figure but a lot of people seem to be able to manage it.

I can't see this ending terribly well for the drivers.
well, they have every right to strike, and for once its a private company bearing the brunt (like cadbury's as well) but they never had a hope of the increases being bandied about, and in fact such demands are well out of kilter with what the NBRU would have looked for down the years. I'm not sure about today, but the wage of bus drivers and conductors was never mega, most would have lived in council houses which they may have bought out at cheap rates in the 80's and 90's. For them to try and get well out of that zone is a bit optimistic.
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