I'm not sure you can equate driving an eight coach train at 100mph and knowing exactly where to commence braking for example in the pitch black darkness for every station stop or future speed restriction with driving a tram at a maximum of 43mph.
Most train drivers will have a far more extensive route network to learn and memorise than any tram driver.
We are in agreement about why IE should be paid more however this above is not any justification by any means.
a - You are showing a danger signal on approach to a station, all drivers know fully when to commence braking stopping day or night. I even know when drivers commence braking on Waterford line for example and most drivers have been traveling as long if not longer than me on the route.
b - Driver will be aware of TSR's prior to journey and they are signposted well in advance
Emergencies all types are a prime example of why IE should be paid more, in many cases IE drivers have a lot more responsibility and are on their own for much longer than a Luas driver would be. Example compare evacuating a Luas is simple and does not need a driver but a train would.