Originally Posted by James Howard
This article states that the evasion rate on the inspections so far has been around 6%. But the reality is that it probably isn't so high as they will be targeting anywhere they have reason to believe is a hot-spot.
6% of revenue is more than 9 million euro. Which I believe is of the order of 3 times the amount of money saved by last autumn's capacity cutbacks.
From personal observation, it is demonstrably true that the Irish are more likely to fare-dodge than the Japanese. While racial stereotypes are a bit crude, honesty and honour would be regarded as core traits for Japanese people. I would think that is fair to say that this would not be the case for us Irish.
Ah James, I don't think that you are quite correct about Japan in the light a recent scandals( honour/honesty). The Irish are no different to any other nationality. Actually I've seen more fare evasion in Germany - 3 people travelling on ticket and a total stranger ties to claim that he is the 4th passenger on the same ticket.
I agree €9m is a lot of money but I'm sure there is a more efficient way of collecting it, rather than the bullyboy tactics of RPU. If it (this article) is correct that 1 in 16 passengers is a fare evader and I, a regular commuter hasn't noticed (regular fare evasion) then there must be hordes of passenger travelling the country without paying a fare.

- some how I don't think so.