Originally Posted by James Howard
Fair enough, it's been a few months since I've been on the commuter trains as I tend to avoid them on comfort grounds but I used to use them regularly and I've not seen a ticket inspector on any of the Longford commuter services for well over 5 years. Before that you might see a guy on the 1805 once or twice a week which was plenty.
So there definitely was an expectation that you would not be challenged if heading for Enfield or Kilcock and as I said in a previous post, I saw tickets from Sydney Parade to Booterstown lying about at Enfield.
The purpose of inspection blitzes is as much to provide a visible deterrent to fare evasion as it is to collect fines. This certainly would have done the trick.
Yes, I'm sure all the droves of fare evaders travelling to an from Enfield will all be deterred from now on.