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Unread 02-03-2014, 13:58   #32
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Originally Posted by Jamie2k9 View Post
They do have the 22's available for the service, they were able to spare 2"3 piece sets before the fleet changed.

I'm sure a taxi service for one of the drivers to Maynooth would be more efficient than running services such as the 17.15 to Longford.
There is not much point in looking at what the fleet was before the reformation process - it is what the fleet is now that is relevant. And more importantly, the fleet that they can afford to operate.

It's all well and good complaining about the 17:15, but you need to get the train to Longford in place for the early morning service the next day. There will always be some moves on any transport network that, on the face of it, don't make complete sense due to lighter loadings, but that are necessary from a positioning perspective.
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