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Unread 17-12-2013, 21:07   #27
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602
Default First night feedback

On Friday night (13/12/2013) I reached Dublin last thing on one bus and was making an onward journey less than an hour later on one of JJ Kavanagh’s late services from George’s Quay (near Tara Street station). So rather than a long wait streetside, sampling one of the late night DARTs kept me occupied!

Entering Connolly slightly after midnight (now Sat 14/12) I glanced at the main board and was a little concerned that apart from one train (an arrival at 00.05 I think) there were no other trains displayed.

I checked with the IÉ member of staff at the ticket gates who confirmed that the 00.30 to Bray was operating and would depart from Platform 6. After spending a few minutes in the main concourse and topping up my Leapcard I duly proceeded to the platform. There were several people already there and two security personnel.

Further passengers came bit by bit – mainly individuals but a few duos also. A few people chatted but there was no untoward behaviour of any sort and it felt quite safe.

A long DART arrived into platform 6 at what I recall was a tad before 00.20. The destination was soon set and it became available for boarding. The platform information screens displayed the details of the trains. The DART was also announced over the public address.

The 00.30 to Bray departed Connolly at 00.32 with what I’d reckon was somewhere in the teens to into the twenties onboard. Around 20-30 remained waiting on the platform for the northbound DARTs. At Tara Street a good crowd (at least 30 – could have been 50 or more) boarded the Bray-bound DART that I alighted from and there were around 20-30 intending passengers on the northbound platform. Again no rowdy behaviour of any sort was evident.

So first impressions are that the initiative is successful. Presumably the displaying of the late DARTs on the departure board at Connolly can be addressed relatively easily. I also saw posters promoting the DARTs in the station. Perhaps the next step is a brand for these night DART and suburban services.
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