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Unread 06-12-2013, 18:07   #19
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Default Christmas Nightrider Cork-Midleton etc... (Bus Éireann)

Cork City Christmas Nightrider
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We would like to advise customers that a Christmas Nightrider services will operate in Cork City on Friday, 13 & 20 December 2013 and Saturday, 14 & 21 December 2013.

Services will depart St. Patrick Street and operate as follows:

Nightrider 1:
Brown Thomas - Douglas Village - Maryborough Hill - Carrigaline
Dep. 01.00, 02.00 and 03.00

Nightrider 2:
Debenhams - Washington Street* - Wilton - Bishopstown (Melbourn Rd) - Ballincollig
Dep. 01.00, 02.00 and 03.00
*Pick Up Only

Nightrider 3:
Savoy - Glanmire - Glounthane - Carrigtohill - Midleton
Dep. 01.00, 02.00 and 03.00

Friday, 6th December, 2013

Aside: wonder would there be any merit in a Nightrider to, for instance, Cóbh and Bandon.
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