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Unread 30-10-2013, 09:28   #37
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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Firstly if the ticket machine cannot sell you the ticket you want you are entitled to travel without a ticket, subject to obtaining the ticket at the earliest opportunity. You have not evaded the fare and are not attempting to defraud the company of the fare.

SW pass holders are required to obtain a ticket when possible, this is more to do with an attempt to account for usage, once a valid pass is held there is no issue. Child tickets are available for all destinations except those within the Dublin suburban area.

If you have not appealed the fine, do so immediately.

The basic appeal here is the ticket vending machine was defective as it could not sell you the ticket you sought, the ticket you sought is not unusual and you have purchased it before.

Also state that the CIE byelaws, SI 109/1984 make no reference to use of a ticket machine. You did not have any intent to defraud the company, the company was negligent in failing to make available the ticket you sought and under the customer charter you are entitled to the most appropriate ticket for your journey.

If the appeal fails, forward the appeal + the fine reference number to us and we shall see what we can do.

You did nothing wrong and the RPU officer should be suspended/disclipined for a gross breach of proceedure
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