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Unread 24-10-2013, 11:34   #19
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Originally Posted by grainne whale View Post
(Overpaid) Managers at Hazelhatch Station at 8am checking tickets would be on overtime. This whole method of dealing with fare evasion is counter productive. Why Irish Rail cannot follow along international practice in this regard, I do not know. RPU staff accompanied by 'a private army' in paramilitary uniform is hardly the solution.
International practice on suburban services the world over is for random spot checks. This is nothing unusual. As Mark says, I've experienced the same several times on the Barcelona metro, where a blitzes have taken place backed up by guardia civil officers.

There is no overtime cost as everyone is either on shift or managers who don't get paid overtime.

Frankly - the more checks the better as it will dissuade those who are contributing to your and my fares having to rise.

From what I've heard the recent blitzes in Dublin have resulted in significant numbers of evaders being caught.

Revenue protection is a problem - just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. Staff are hardly going to yell at the top of their voices "I've got one". While Irish Rail statistics are not published, in Q1 of 2013 on Dublin Bus there were nearly 1,100 standard fares issued out of 26,000 tickets checked. That to me would suggest it is far more widespread than you seem to think.
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