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Unread 28-03-2013, 14:52   #8
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Posts: 602
Default Evening commuter train from Limerick:

If the 16.55 Limerick - Nenagh - Ballybrophy was deferred to, for instance, 17.50 arriving into Ballybrophy at 19.46:

* no apparent pathing issue with a 17.50 departure ex Colbert.
* 17.20 Cork to Dublin would not necessarily need to serve Ballybrophy.
* 18.20 Cork to Dublin could instead call at Ballybrophy (circa 20.00).
* Connection to branch would be available from 19.00 Heuston - Cork (arr. Ballybrophy 19.59).
* Branch train could depart at 20.03 (with allowance to wait if needs be).

Don't know whether this would affect gatekeepers' shifts or if there are other issues/ constraints.

Plus-side is a timing from Limerick likely to suit the vast majority - slight downside passengers coming from Dublin finished business at 5/5.30 may have a slightly longer wait in Dublin than is ideal.

Last edited by Traincustomer : 28-03-2013 at 14:53. Reason: extra detail
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