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Unread 02-02-2013, 15:41   #6
Colm Moore
Local Liaison Officer
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You don't mention which station.

Strictly speaking, you should have a ticket. However, in the circumstances, it would appear that it was impossible and the sign on the ticket gate suggested you could travel without one.

Did you happen to take any pictures?

Ask for the CCTV of the day to be retained as well as the logs for the ticket vending machine and the ticket barriers.

Originally Posted by scooby View Post
Well in my honest opinion it was absolutly unjust
I went to a station 2 weeks ago for my journey to work when i got there it was unmanned security shutters down
There is the argument that the station was unattended and there is no legal obligation to use the ticket machines. However, that argument is weak and I would be loathe to recommend it.

Originally Posted by scooby View Post
I tried to get a ticket from the vending machine but it just kept spitting the money back out nothing came up on the screen it just would not take the note
Had you selected a journey at this point? It won't take your money if you haven't selected a journey.

Are you saying you tried coins and notes (note that €50 notes will never be accepted for short journeys)?

I went back inside to see if there was anyone about the barriers were open and the machine display said no ticket required
This is rather damning for them.

I got on the dart thinking i could pay at pearse like i have done before
When i got off at pearse i immediatly went to the guy at the barrier and explained that the booking office in the station was closed and that the machine rejected my money which i showed him.
What do you mean "which i showed him"?

I asked for the gardai to be called as i was not going to give him my name i would only give it to the gardai as i has done nothing wrong ( in my opinion)
Did he actually ask for your name? Did he say it was an offence to not give your name?

Even after all this i still went downstairs and bought the ticket as i needed
it for work i get reimbursed for all traved expenses but i have to give in the ticket as a recipt
Try to bring that ticket with you if it ends up in court. Get a photocopy now and keep it.

The real sting in the tail came also on 24th i received a letter rejicting my appeal dated the 22nd thats 2 days before i sent the appeal
Was this a response to your letter to customer service?

So now im in the unhappy position of looking for a solicitor to defend me should this go to court
There are likely to be some solicitors there on the day. However, it would be useful to talk to the before the day. Talk to the usual district court criminal defence solicitors. It would be cheapest to find one who would be there anyway on the day dealing with other cases.

Realise that going to court risks a criminal conviction.

Buy a Leap Card. You can use the on-line log to claim your expenses from work, it they'll accept it.
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