Thread: Slow, Stop.
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Unread 07-09-2012, 06:51   #5
James Howard
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I don't know about the others but I think the main problems of the Sligo line is poor scheduling. I've been on a couple of late 19:05 services that have made the run in under 20 minutes.

A major problem with the evening Sligo services is waiting to get into Maynooth to cross with the 15:00 or 17:00 from Sligo. The 17:00 from Sligo is a particular problem as the 19:05 has to wait for it to leave Maynooth before it can proceed. This the 7th crossing that the 17:00 from Sligo has had to make so it isn't a surprise that this train is often a bit late and hence the 19:05 will crawl out to Maynooth or sit waiting for 10 or 15 minutes. In leaf-slip season I would do my best to try to get out on the 17:05 and would avoid the 19:05 at all costs.
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