Originally Posted by James Howard
The 22k seats aren't terrible but they aren't as comfortable as the old green seats on the Mark 2's on the Sligo line. They are certainly better than the 29k seats. My biggest gripe comfort-wise with the 22ks is that the decor is just too bright and the lighting is too harsh.
I think the seats on the 22k are really uncomfortable, I do be moving left to right and from right to left and using the curved head rest at the windows. I wish IE used the same sit layout as like the mark3's those seats were very comfortable you honestly wouldn't mind traveling for long journeys. The 22k seats for me I think are to high just terrible comfort.You have to push yourself right into the seat. The decor is to bright. White everywhere except the blue on the seats and floor it really is to bright. When you look at the Belfast and Cork intercity decor VS. the 22k really is basic.
Originally Posted by Thomas J Stamp
I find the 22's seats horrible, basic, not comfortable and arse numbing.
Trouble is, in getting such basic stock, IE is at a major disadvantage
Why does IE have the nicest stock on the Dublin-Cork route. Black tinted windows trains in sets of 7/8 with the catering car. Spend millions on different Intercity DMU stock for the rest of the country with terrible seating for comfort.