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Unread 25-05-2012, 14:43   #1
Colm Moore
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Default 10% Discount on Tickets for Bavaria City Racing
10% Discount on Tickets for Bavaria City Racing

On June 3rd Bavaria is bringing Formula 1 to the streets of Dublin! More than 100,000 racing enthusiasts are expected to gather for a spectacular afternoon with Formula 1, Super League Formula, Indy Car, Formula 2, drifter’s demonstrations as the highlight of the day.

Formula 1 cars will follow a track through key landmarks from the Convention Centre, to Custom House Quay, travelling across Butt Bridge and onto D’Olier Street, around College Green, passing Trinity College Dublin, turning in front of Central Bank then onto Westmoreland Street and O’Connell Bridge before travelling back along the quays and returning to the main paddock at the Conference Center.

Thanks to our friends in Bavaria City Racing we have a pair of tickets to the Formula 1 Paddock valued at €350 with rail travel included! ENTER NOW to be in with a chance to win!!!

As a customer of Irish Rail, Bavaria City Racing is offering you a special 10% discount on Corporate Hospitality and F1 Paddock tickets! To avail of this special offer on Corporate Hospitality tickets, call the Bavaria City Racing office 01 6628996 and quote “RAIL DISCOUNT”.

For more information log on to
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