So the good news is the real time system for the maynooth line is LIVE!
Most real time screens are live except clonsilla both platforms. These are now on but not ready yet.
I am on the 22.10 and on the live system the train was expected to arrive at louisa bridge at 22.52, when the train left clonsilla, it changed to 22.50 and then back to 22.52. The train left louisa bridge at 22.52. On the system its noe showing statuses of for example departed clnsilla arrived clonsilla etc. Whereas before the last status would be departed drumcondra.
The pis screens are showing the dart format ie "1. Connolly 2 min"
A few screens not ready yet ie clonsilla and maynooth.
Also good to see the notices you see on the city/dart cis screens on these screens.