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Unread 12-01-2012, 16:15   #5
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I'm just reading this thread and wonder what Irish Rail has to do to solve all problems.

We've people here who'd like IE to bypass stations when a problem occurs like the one described here.

However, there will also be people who'd say why should they have to get off a train and wait for the next one just because IE decides to bypass some stations. Apart from the obvious delay of trying to get people to get off which would only cause further delay its surely better to stop the trains at their scheduled stops and not upset people even further.

I know if I was after getting on a train in say Drogheda going to Rush and Lusk and being told in Skerries that I'd have to get off my train and wait for the next one because the train I was on wasn't now going to stop at Rush and Lusk I'd be more than annoyed.

I'm sure there are people here would feel the same.
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