They are probably a bit useful for Kilcock and Enfield commuters but not really for anybody going any further due to the fact that they take about 20 minutes longer than the express services. I've been commuting to Edgeworthstown for going on 8 years and I've probably the 1715 about twice and the 1818 about a dozen times and usually only when a connecting DART has failed to deposit me at Connolly as planned.
I would reckon typical loadings for the 1818 beyond Maynooth are of the order of 20 or 30 people on an 8 car 29k - maybe 50 at a real push.
It would be far more of an addition for me if these trains were replaced with a single later train - even if it was to add a 2005 - plus it would probably make the other services a lot more reliable as it would provide two less trains for the 1700 from Sligo to cross with.
But the local politicians would have a fit about this because on paper it means fewer services on the line. But more is not always better.