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Unread 28-12-2011, 17:19   #4
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2-3 return services Cork-Mallow-Thurles-Portlaoise-Heuston could have seen that making a profit or at least breaking even, 22k or 29000 sets could have been used to cut costs.

Irish Rail spokeswoman Jane Cregan said the company had been lobbied by retailers to introduce services on St Stephen’s Day but that following research carried out last year on the numbers using the State’s bus service on St Stephen’s Day, it could not justify running any trains on December 26th.

“We have to manage our costs carefully,” she said. “We have falling passenger numbers and a reduced State subvention, so we have to be prudent with the decisions we make.
Iarnród Éireann ran a special train on a certain line for a TD that made a operating loss. I don't think running 2-3 trains on the only profitable line you have is going to break the bank.
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