This was a response from Iarnród Éireann to a email i sent them in 2008
I think it was do with one the 201's breaking down and passengers where left stranded for hours in Templemore or Portlaoise anyway the response i got was this.
Dear Mr. \\\\\\\,
Thank you for your email. I would like to apologise for my delay in replying to you.
At present, plans are now in motion to introduce new locomotives onto our Mark IV fleet. The new locomotives will greatly enhance the performance of all services on the Dublin to Cork route. I regret that at present I cannot commit to a commencement date as of yet.
Thank you for your feedback.
Yours sincerely,
Danielle McCarthy
Customer Relations Department
Mainline & West
I am wondering did they ever have plans to introduce new locomotives or did they mix up the word Locomotive with the DMU's they rolled out.