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Unread 28-09-2011, 15:01   #3
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Originally Posted by Thomas Ralph View Post
Nice new thread here for you. Day return is €67.80 but you are better off breaking it into day return Gorey to Connolly €17.30 Luas return €2.50 (smartcard fare) and day return Heuston to Athlone €22, totalling €41.70. It'll be more on Fridays and Sundays (€23.70 + €2.50 + €37.50 = €63.70), and that second set of fares applies to return on a different day within a month. The rail tickets can all be bought at ticket offices or vending machines on a turn up and go basis and are not tied to specific trains. Do bear in mind that you won't have a vast amount of time in Athlone on such a trip; according to Iarnród Éireann's journey planner your earliest arrival is at 1105 and last possible departure is 1510.

Not sure what you mean by a weekly return — do you mean out one day and back at some stage later that week (saver return) or unlimited journeys between the two points for a week (weekly season ticket)?
Thanks Thomas, Very expensive I must say.
By Weekly I do mean out one day and return Three/Four later in that same week
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