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Unread 13-09-2011, 19:36   #3
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Originally Posted by Destructix View Post
I know Iarnród Éireann have a policy to charge more from Stations with high passenger numbers like Cork Thurles Portlaoise to Heuston station than on other lines but it isn't exactly fair to charge someone in Templemore €41 versus €34.50 in Waterford when Templemore hasn't got a comprehensive bus service to Dublin to compete with the train like Waterford city has. Or the fact you can get €10 euro fares online up to the last hour on that Waterford line or day saver fares (i haven't seen day saver fares in Thurles since 2006 and never heard of them in Templemore) I just checked online prices for Friday the 30th of September. There is €10 euro fares but most the return fares are between €16-€30 euros so at the highest return fare you don't save anything at all. Versus Waterford city fares today. which would work out at €23. It's not fair that someone in Templemore has to pay alot more than someone even further away to get to the same place. I don't use Templemore station due to the poor service. I don't mind paying €46 in Thurles as it's a great service with a excellent timetable. But i do think small towns like Templemore should have special fares to Dublin to at least have a chance to compete with a city. Iarnród Éireann need to reform their fares on small stations like Templemore or they face no one using the service. Most people i know in Templemore are driving to Roscrea to get the Bus Éireann service as it is much better value.
Well if more and more people from Templemore keep on driving to Roscrea on a regular basis to use the better value Limerick Dublin service, which has buses operating between the 2 cities ever hour, and Iarnrod Eireann does nothing about this, then that's their loss.
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