Kazakhstan is well connected with the Russian rail network which is very easy to travel on and it soon will be accessible using the "Iron Silk route" via Turkey, Georgia and Azerbijan

although you need to get a boat across the Bosphorous until 2013 and another one from Baku across the Caspian sea.
I recently did the journey that was talked about earlier for the game against Armenia.
09.00 to 02.30 2 days later on the Istanbul to Kars train, almost made it on time but we got held up on a loop waiting for a derailed wagon to be rescued.
No direct bus from ther to Georgia and I missed the one cross border bus so it took two minibuses, three taxis, an unforgettable Armenian bus full of turf and a 3 km walk to reach Yerevan instead.
A week later I traveled Yereven to Tibilisi, the train had 12 sleeping cars stuffed full of Armenians going to the beach in Georgia.