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Unread 23-02-2011, 12:22   #19
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
The Intercity fleet is being GPS fitted for that purpose currently

The signaling between Clonsilla and Broombridge is to be ripped out and replaced it pre computer 1975 stuff and low capacity so hard to accurately record a trains location.

The old panel at Clonsilla does not have a train describer, without that you have no hope of being able to do live updates
Ok, but how about you forget about the signalling / panels altogether?
Each GPS system could send out an identifier (09.20 Maynooth Connolly) along with its position (which can be compared to a known set of station GPS co-ordinates) and the time. A central system can then decode this info, put it up on the web, and relay it to the info displays at stations.
It would require a bit of retrofitting of trains and displays but nothing too serious imo.
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