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Unread 29-12-2010, 16:29   #6
peter t
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
1. The Luas machines don't accept 5 cent coins and this is clearly displayed on the machines. Irish Rail accept 5 cent coins but neither IE or Luas accept 1 or 2 cent. (No Luas fares require 5 cent coins)

2. Insert the coins slowly, don't force them in and allow a few second for the coin to drop through the machine

3. Luas bye-laws requires that you have a ticket regardless of the status of the ticket machines
I was using 50 cent, 1 euro and 2 euro coins. I did insert them slowly - always do, as I know they just get spat out if you do ittoo quickly.

In most cases a malfunctioning machine isn't a problem as you can just go to another one. That wasn't the case here as the only other machine at the stop was out of order. Unacceptable (in my opinion) regardless of what the "bye-laws" say....neither is the fact that they don't accept credit cards.
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